I've been struggling to find something nice and quietly southern and polite to put here. It's been difficult. The political climate, the mental state of "average America", the whole goofiness of day to day life, working in a nut basket, and maybe just getting older, all seem to be having a dimming effect on my sunny side. I don't like that. I like to be cheery, grateful for a chance to spread a little joy, exuberant even.
I'm not sure what to do about it. I try avoiding negative people, but not all of them can be avoided. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, people just insist on being pukes and splattering on your shoes. So, for those people, I have come up with a solution.
This morning I ran off a hundred copies of the above postit note, then I went by the local Home Depot and bought a heavy duty staple gun with 3/4 inch staples (that's about 2 cm for you metric people). Today, when I run into one of those people that just insists on being a social puke, I'm going to staple the note to their forehead. I'll let you know how it goes. By the way the back of the note reads like this:
I'm feeling all sunny and warm already!