The United States of America is full of idiots and stoners. We may very well be doomed. 49 percent of Americans have said they are not concerned about loosing their jobs due to the current economic downturn. To not be concerned about your livelihood in the current economic developments and direction, you either are an idiot or stoned.
According to the media polls, (and if you believe those you are an idiot or a stoner) Barack Obama, the Arab candidate for President posing as African-American, with absolutely nothing to qualify him for the job except he frequently utters the word "change" (a word frequently heard in baby nurseries when one of them has excreted a load of crap), anyway, is leading the polls. Only idiots or stoners would support such a candidate, and in light of the economy, give the goofball One hundred and fifty million dollars in September alone, to use for campaign expenses. (to sell more lies of "change")
We let our government spend billions of dollars battling the drug cartels from Central and South America, meanwhile back at the ranch the market they are selling to are the people living the next street over from us; the ones that break into your house and steal your stuff. If our stoner neighbors didn't buy the drugs, the cartels would have no business, no power, and pose no threat to anyone. The problem isn't in Honduras, it's just down the street.
Some Americans woke up long enough to quit using as much oil product as they could. The Arabs, (distant relatives of Barack Obama and like him a child of Islam) are now alarmed at the lower price of oil and are planning to quickly cut back production to drive up the price. If Americans were smart, we would cut back our use even further, and accelerate the production of alternative fuels, and ways of doing things so that Arab oil isn't needed at all. But we won't. I predict that with lowering prices, the majority of Americans will act like idiots and stoners and go on another oil binge, driving the prices even higher, so that the Arabs can make even more money by selling us less oil.
These idiots and stoners are the same ones that call a woman who gets pregnant and decides that she doesn't want to be a mother, pro-choice, and call a man who gets a woman pregnant and decides that he doesn't want to be a father, a deadbeat dad.
Sooner or later someone is going to pull that great toilet lever in the sky and flush this whole thing away, then all the good people and all the idiots and stoners will all go down the great American sewer. That used to be the Hudson river, but now I understand the Mississippi has taken it's place. When that happens, I hope I drift off to the Dominican Republic or some similar place that still has a little unspoiled natural beauty. (I wonder how long it takes to drift to New Zealand)
I haven't blogged in a while because frankly, I've been busy. I work in neighborhoods full of iditots and stoners. I'm worried about my job in the economic quagmire we're plunging further into. I spend a lot of time figuring out how to NOT make trips in my car, and I worry a lot about what's going to happen when the American idiots and stoners elect a radical socialist Arab, posing as an African-American. Yeah, I'm one of those gun and Bible clingers, and I'm begining to wonder if I should be buying up ammo to protect myself from the idiots and stoners, after their bubble bursts.
For the first time in my life, I'm spending time thinking about how I will protect my self and loved ones from the idiots and stoners. They are not smart so it doesn't take much, but now, there's becoming a lot more of them, and that's worrisome.
Posted by Dread who has the nose snots really bad this morning, or otherwise would be too busy to spend time at the keyboard.