Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hillary Out - Racism In?

Politicians are the primary reason racism continues to exist as an issue in this country. Divisive tactics, such as finger pointing and labeling someone as evil, as a method to attain and hold on to leadership power, are ancient, but we still fall for them. If Obama isn't elected the country will be called racist in a great wail and gnashing of teeth by Jessie Jackson, Oprah, Al Sharpton, et al. And, yes; probably even the, forever opportunistic, Clintons.

Our choices this election year are shaping up to be between ignorant, inexperienced youth, without a position on anything except “change” (Only God knows what, because he isn’t saying) and the life battered, and perhaps a little crazy, but at least he’s honest, elderly.

My two questions for the next poll are: How many will vote for McCain only because he is white, no matter what else? And, never mind that he comes across as a little touched. How many will vote for Obama only because he is black, no matter what else? And, never mind that even though his mantra is “CHANGE”, he’s never “changed” anything. In a country where we agree to disagree, I find it interesting that there are whites for Obama, but seemingly a void of blacks for McCain. Perhaps racism doesn’t reside where we’ve been told it does in this country?

If I’m sick of the ultra neo-nazi conservatives and ultra neo-fascist liberals making cannon fodder of our youth and trashing our country with goofy legislative demands on the rest of us, as they tell us how stupid we are and better off letting them decide every breath for us. I suppose the axiom of people deserving no better than they are willing to accept is now believed and accepted widely in this country. Look at New York. They got Hillary. In my way of thinking, the crazy damnyankees got what they deserve. Now, I wish they weren’t trying to push her off on the rest of us, but that’s a different issue of northern aggression. We aren’t discussing that today. We’re discussing politics and racism. Which is a lot like a dog chasing its tail. We never seem to quiet get it do we?

I’d still like to see the results of that poll. Obama's running mate agianst McCain may be Racism, but not the kind we're used to hearing about. This is going to be interesting. And, yes I've finally decided who I'm voting for. Being a little crazy hasn't hurt me much, so...



i beati said...

great stuff --meanwhile someone said a racsit thing to someone else this weekend and eluded that I said it ., They called .. found our she's mad at the world and called 3 other places. I'm so far from a racist and my heart is literally broken and I mean that..The crosses we bear in this world..I've asked the BIG MAN to handle it

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

And so he will, in his own creative way, that is so far beyond our imagination.

i beati said...

I left you a blog award on my site- because you do make my days !!

Jennifer said...

It will be interesting to see who wins. My family has actually wondered if the neo-nazis, KKK and the like would actually let a black man become president, if you get my drift.

To dtae. I am not impressed with either candidate. The "cchange" which isn't to be named bothers me. Is his real change the fact we have never had a black president? hmm..interesting thought. Then you have the Republican wannabe who is so liberal it isn't funny.I'm not impressed with anything he has to offer as well. I think right now i am shaping up to vote for anybody but Hillary. She is a socialist with SCARY ideas that will forever turn ojur country to the dark ages....
btw, i answered your comments on my blog...