Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Neighborhood Infadelism

Just a few blocks away from my residence, there is a house with a flag pole in the front yard.  The flag of the United States of America flies on the pole.  Beneath the flag there is a concrete pig standing guard.

I assume this arrangement in the front garden is a tribute to all Islamic passers by.  I am being facetious of course.  I find this concrete pig in the front garden fascinating.  I would stop to ask the residents there if there is a particular significance to the concrete pig, but I'm guessing they would give me some dissappointing reply.  Something like, "Oh we just thought the pig was cute and decided to bring it home with us."  To which I would very likely ask, "It's such a great conversation piece!  Is there a reason that you don't keep it in your parlor?"  My guess is, from that location it probably wouldn't piss off as many Muslims.  My other guess is, they would reply, "Oh we prefer to keep it out front where everybody passing can enjoy it." 

Pigs have a hard enough time flying.  Now they're concrete.  This has to be something that you would only see here, Beneath the Carolina Moon, which lies beneath the American flag, and then just a little bit south.

1 comment:

i beati said...

reminding us of the barbecue there the best anywhere hahha my yard art consistsof smiling stones and wood nymps etc.I like to see something strange peeking out from under a leaf..just me a bit twisted..ha