Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Day 2, An Obamanation

On Thursday, the Dow Jones industrial average finished lower by 443.48 points, or 4.85%, to 8,695.79. All 30 Dow component stocks tumbled one day after Wednesday's 486-point (5.05%) loss! That seems to be a 9.9% drop in the confidence level of Tuesday's election outcome. Do I detect buyer's remorse?
I understand that these bumper stickers are already enjoying brisk sales.
Posted by Dread who wonders just how stupid Obama supporters feel now that they've sent a message to George Bush, who still will leave office on schedule in January 2009. Yeah, that's showin'im.


Jennifer said...

Yep, did you see that Wallstreet had it's WORST WEEK EVER Post-election???

On a mom's board I am on I have actually had to be DEBATING people on how bad SOCIALISM is. OMG. People have NO clue. I am actually scared for my kids.

I guess the only GOOD news is that 1. there is no single world currency and 2. there is no peace in the Middle East.


P.S. - I SOOOO need to find some of those magnets.

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

Someone told me that they overheard two women talking at the gas pumps the day after the election. One of them was saying with all sincerity how glad she was that Obama had won, since he had already lowered gas prices! Of course the other woman was trying to set her straight, but the first would have no part of that. She was convinced that lower gas prices were ordered by Obama. And these idiots vote. I still think you should have to own a minimum amount of real estate to vote. That would cut out votes by the developmentally disabled.


i beati said...

stupidity reigns I guess . I am horrified that he wants to try Guantanamo prisoners and also cut military budget while sending them to Afghanistan.Way to stir the pot.

But all his insider buddies will continue to get bail out after bail out AIG #3 who picks who gets this money ..poor GM floundering for years.

Masybe we can impeach him down the road. I'd love to see that