Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Preparing for the New Year

Posted by Dread, who is busy brainstorming a new method and substance of expression, while still hoping and praying for the best in 2009.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yada Yada Yada!

..and all that stuff. Some years I get into it and some years I don't. There's a bit of frustration this year... Okay; a lot. Anyway, I hope yours is great. I'll be back about the time you start next year's hangovers. Until then; stay safe!

Posted by Dread without any real enthusiasm.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bar Window Art, Thrice Removed

Art recalled and documented can become art itself. Somewhere over my rambling readings, I came across the quote below, which I consider to be a quality sample of the art of prose. I think once you have read it you will agree that it is art, recalling art. Here is the quote:

"I was once sitting at a table in a bar when a young woman came up to the bar window, lifted her shirt and pressed her breasts against the window. When she left, there were perfect imprints of her breasts on the dusty glass. I didn't think of it as art at the time. If only I had known."

I failed to document where I clipped the quote, and can't for the life of me even remember when I collected it. But I found it interesting, moving, and thought provoking. It occurred to me that the little clip was art itself, and so the temporal art created by the young lady at the window, moved to a remaining print on the window and a lingering imprint on the writer's mind. Although it can be argued that the act of the imprint and the imprint itself were all one unit of art, does it really matter? Art is in the mind of the beholder.

I suppose that with my posting of the picture of illustration and the quote together here, the art the young lady created, and then was reminisced to prose, is in some way taking on it's third mutation. Yet, in some way, the original art still remains a pure statement of itself.

Some stories loose something in each additional telling while others gain. They evlove through adoption and added perspective. The south is full of art like that; especially here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who thinks it is neat art, when stories like this come full circle, but the original artists keep their secrets.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Election Circumspection

The, so called, election left me feeling like I had been hit by a beer truck. But, I'm back by unpopular demand. Tomorrow I will begin cleaning up this place, and putting up posts that are relevant to the roots and purpose of this blog. Eventually, all the political fodder from the past year will be moved to a political blog site I am preparing. But, Beneath the Carolina Moon will return to all things Southern and all things Carolinian. There's a quirky, eccentric side of the Carolinas, and most likely that will overtone this blog. After all, quirky, eccentric, and enigmatic are all good qualities when done with style and grace.
There is a time and place for everything, and this is quiet a place: here beneath the Carolina moon!
Posted by Dread who feels better already.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Day 2, An Obamanation

On Thursday, the Dow Jones industrial average finished lower by 443.48 points, or 4.85%, to 8,695.79. All 30 Dow component stocks tumbled one day after Wednesday's 486-point (5.05%) loss! That seems to be a 9.9% drop in the confidence level of Tuesday's election outcome. Do I detect buyer's remorse?
I understand that these bumper stickers are already enjoying brisk sales.
Posted by Dread who wonders just how stupid Obama supporters feel now that they've sent a message to George Bush, who still will leave office on schedule in January 2009. Yeah, that's showin'im.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Why America? Why?

Why did you drink the Obama Kool-Aid?
Posted by Dread who has gone away to grieve the death of the once great and proud bastion of freedom that will be no more.


for McCain Palin.
Your continued freedom depends on it.
It really is that simple.
Posted by Dread who finds this election, with a cult socialist running as a democrat, to be the scariest ever. But we will have freedom of religion if the cult socialist wins. We will be able to choose between either the church of Oprah or the church of Obama.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


If you liked these guys...

You're REALLY going to LOVE this guy!

Posted by Dread in an attempt to be succinct.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Southern Thing

I haven't blogged on "southern" things in a while, and won't again at least until after the election next month. I've felt an obligation to fight FOR the freedom of my country, whenever I did have a few minutes to blog, and will continue to do so. We've evidently hatched a lot of idiots in this country and some how managed to let them slip into the status of electorate.

Oh well. When we southerners make a mess, we clean it up. That's why I'm here trying to get a statesman elected president (John McCain) instead of writing about Spanish moss and night blooming honeysuckle. I guess it is a southern thing after all. Southerners love their country and don't want the reins turned over to an arrogant socialistic, near do well, who's only significant accomplishment in life has been self promotion. At least good southerners don't. The rest of you should wear orange when you're out in the woods during deer season.

Posted by Dread who has learned that just because people have average intelligence, doesn't mean they have adequate intelligence.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yo! Idiots and Stoners!

The United States of America is full of idiots and stoners. We may very well be doomed. 49 percent of Americans have said they are not concerned about loosing their jobs due to the current economic downturn. To not be concerned about your livelihood in the current economic developments and direction, you either are an idiot or stoned.

According to the media polls, (and if you believe those you are an idiot or a stoner) Barack Obama, the Arab candidate for President posing as African-American, with absolutely nothing to qualify him for the job except he frequently utters the word "change" (a word frequently heard in baby nurseries when one of them has excreted a load of crap), anyway, is leading the polls. Only idiots or stoners would support such a candidate, and in light of the economy, give the goofball One hundred and fifty million dollars in September alone, to use for campaign expenses. (to sell more lies of "change")

We let our government spend billions of dollars battling the drug cartels from Central and South America, meanwhile back at the ranch the market they are selling to are the people living the next street over from us; the ones that break into your house and steal your stuff. If our stoner neighbors didn't buy the drugs, the cartels would have no business, no power, and pose no threat to anyone. The problem isn't in Honduras, it's just down the street.

Some Americans woke up long enough to quit using as much oil product as they could. The Arabs, (distant relatives of Barack Obama and like him a child of Islam) are now alarmed at the lower price of oil and are planning to quickly cut back production to drive up the price. If Americans were smart, we would cut back our use even further, and accelerate the production of alternative fuels, and ways of doing things so that Arab oil isn't needed at all. But we won't. I predict that with lowering prices, the majority of Americans will act like idiots and stoners and go on another oil binge, driving the prices even higher, so that the Arabs can make even more money by selling us less oil.

These idiots and stoners are the same ones that call a woman who gets pregnant and decides that she doesn't want to be a mother, pro-choice, and call a man who gets a woman pregnant and decides that he doesn't want to be a father, a deadbeat dad.

Sooner or later someone is going to pull that great toilet lever in the sky and flush this whole thing away, then all the good people and all the idiots and stoners will all go down the great American sewer. That used to be the Hudson river, but now I understand the Mississippi has taken it's place. When that happens, I hope I drift off to the Dominican Republic or some similar place that still has a little unspoiled natural beauty. (I wonder how long it takes to drift to New Zealand)

I haven't blogged in a while because frankly, I've been busy. I work in neighborhoods full of iditots and stoners. I'm worried about my job in the economic quagmire we're plunging further into. I spend a lot of time figuring out how to NOT make trips in my car, and I worry a lot about what's going to happen when the American idiots and stoners elect a radical socialist Arab, posing as an African-American. Yeah, I'm one of those gun and Bible clingers, and I'm begining to wonder if I should be buying up ammo to protect myself from the idiots and stoners, after their bubble bursts.
For the first time in my life, I'm spending time thinking about how I will protect my self and loved ones from the idiots and stoners. They are not smart so it doesn't take much, but now, there's becoming a lot more of them, and that's worrisome.

Posted by Dread who has the nose snots really bad this morning, or otherwise would be too busy to spend time at the keyboard.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Real Bridge to Nowhere (An Obama Nation? An Abomination! Part 4)

Uh oh!
Yesterday, it was revealed in the news that TWICE a proposal was raised in the US Senate to divert the funding of the controversial Alaskan "bridge to nowhere" to Katrina recovery. TWICE both Obamalamadingdong AND old Joe Biden voted to keep the money right where it was earmarked; to a bridge to nowhere.

Obamalamadingdong and Biden? CHANGE? Nah... just a REAL bridge to NOWHERE!

Posted by Dread who thinks cartoon characters have no place in politics.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Correction to History (An Obama Nation? An Abomination! Part 3)

This man is not the first African-American to be the presidential nominee of a major party.

Historical Correction: Barack Hussein Obaba is the first Arab-American presidential nominee of a major party. Since the liberal media seems to be totally bent on pushing the race of this candidate as a huge feature, they should at least get it right. Truthfully, he is of mixed decent, but predominately Arab. And the religion he practiced for 30+ years, before becoming associated with the hate spewing Reverand Wright? Yes, he was Moslem, the peace loving religion that teaches that we infidels should all be slaughtered, etc. blah, blah, blah.

Did you ever study one of these in school? It had to do with a little village called Troy.

I figure that's why there's a brand named Trojan. To give you a sense of security while you're getting... well... this is a family blog. You get the picture, I'm sure.


Posted by Dread, who wonders how alligator got into his family tree.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

EXACTLY! (An Obama Nation? An Abomination! Part 2)


The email quoted below has come in to me from various parts of the country and in various forms. It pretty much confirms what I've suspected all along. Also, on the news today, it is confirmed that Obamalamadingdong while in Iraq, asked Iraqui government officials to not settle on a US troop withdrawal until after George Bush leaves office. Since he is in favor of getting out NOW, why is he asking such? So that he can take credit for getting us out of Iraq, after he is elected? Big mistake! He's not going to get elected!

Maybe he'll be tarred and feathered and run out of the country, as he deserves. Read on the emails that have been coming in here beneath the Carolina moon.

Obama's Not Exactlys:

1.) Selma March Got Me Born - NOT EXACTLY, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as
Selma was in 1965. (Google'Obama Selma ' for his full March 4, 2007 speech and articles about its various untruths.)

2.) Father Was A Goat Herder - NOT EXACTLY, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government.

3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - NOT EXACTLY, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had.

4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - NOT EXACTLY, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence in decades. The current government is pro-American but Odinga wants to overthrow it and establi sh Muslim Sharia law. Your half-brother, Abongo Oba ma, is Odinga's follower. You interrupted your New Hampshire campaigning to speak to Odinga on the phone. Check out the following link for verification of that....and for more.

Obama's cousin Odinga in Kenya ran for president and tried to get Sharia Muslim law in place there. When Odinga lost the elections, his followers have burned Christians' homes and then burned men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter.. Obama SUPPORTED his cousin before the election process here started. Google Obama and Odinga and see what you get. No one wants to know the truth.

5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - NOT EXACTLY, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to
mention, Christianity wouldn't allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.

6.) My Name is African Swahili - NOT EXACTLY, your name is Arabic and 'Baraka' (from which Barack came) means 'blessed' in that language.
Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya, his father's family was mainly Arabs... Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth cert ificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro). From....and for more....go to.....,_only_6.25%25_African

7.) I Never Practiced Islam - NOT EXACTLY, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years, until your wife made you change, so you could run for office. 4-3-08 Article 'Obama was 'quite religious in Islam''

8.) My School In Indonesia Was Christian - NOT EXACTLY, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).

February 28, 2008. Kristoff from the New York Times a year ago: Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it'll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.' This is just one example of what Pamela is talking about when she says 'Obama's narrative is being altered, enhanced and manipulated to whitewash troubling facts.'

9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian - NOT EXACTLY, not one teacher says you could speak the language.

10.) Because I Lived In Indonesia , I Have More Foreign Experience - NOT EXACTLY, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn't even speak the language. What did you learn except how to study the Koran and watch cartoons.

11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs - NOT EXACTLY, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.

12.) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion - NOT EXACTLY, you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of
Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine

13.) An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office - NOT EXACTLY, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and
never did, exist.

14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life - NOT EXACTLY, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't,
and never did, exist.

15.) I Won't Run On A National Ticket In '08 - NOT EXACTLY, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.

16.) Voting 'Present' is Common In Illinois Senate - NOT EXACTLY, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES.

17.) Oops, I Misvoted - NOT EXACTLY, only when caught by church groups and Democrats, did you beg to change your misvote.

18.) I Was A Professor Of Law - NOT EXACTLY, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

19.) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - NOT EXACTLY, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - NOT EXACTLY, you didn't write it, introduce it, change it or create it.

21.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - NOT EXACTLY, it took just 14 days from start to finish.

22.) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - NOT EXACTLY, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because of your Nuclear donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.

23.) I Have Released My State Records - NOT EXACTLY, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.

24.) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - NOT EXACTLY, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens.
You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.

25.) My Economics Bill Will Help America - NOT EXACTLY, your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.

26.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - NOT EXACTLY, even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.

27.) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - NOT EXACTLY, they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.

28.) No One on my campaign contacted Canada about NAFTA - NOT EXACTLY, the Canadian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them.

29.) I Am Tough On Terrorism - NOT EXACTLY, you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction off Israel.

30.) I Want All Votes To Count - NOT EXACTLY, you said let the delegates decide.

31.) I Want Americans To Decide - NOT EXACTLY, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time.

32.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - NOT EXACTLY, you passed 26, most of which you didn't write yourself.

33.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - NOT EXACTLY, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.

34.) I Don't Take PAC Money - NOT EXACTLY, you take loads of it.

35.) I don't Have Lobbysists - NOT EXACTLY, you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting.

36.) My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad - NOT EXACTLY, your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon.

37.) I Have Always Been Against Iraq - NOT EXACTLY, you weren't in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time.

38.) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - NOT EXACTLY, your plan leaves us all to pay for the 15,000,000 who don't have to buy it.

39.) My uncle liberated Auschwitz concentration camp - NOT EXACTLY, your mother had no brothers and the Russan army did the liberating.

So, who EXACTLY is this Obama guy and what is he trying to sell us?! Please get to work now...not enough of your loved ones and friends know about this fraud.

Coming from a TRUE American, this is not the "Change" we want or need. I Googled the information and it's ALL true. I don't know a lot of people so I am depending on whoever gets this to help me "Educate" America. I am afraid that Obama is doing just as his brother did, going after the uneducated, poor, and promising "Change", they have no idea what "change" he will bring. Our only hope is our Constitution, for right now, until that's "changed."

Forwarded email posted in it's entiriety by Dread, who is wondersing WHO is pulling the puppet Obamalamadingdong's strings.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

An Obama Nation? An Abomination! Part 1

Barack Heusein Obama's Ten Point Plan to "CHANGE" the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:

1. Ban use of firearms for home defense.

2. Pass Federal laws eliminating your RIght-to-Carry.

3. Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.

4. Close down 90% of the gun shops in America.

5. Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

6. Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

7. Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.

8. Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.

9. Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.

10. Appoint judges to the United States Supreme Court and Federal judiciary who share his views on the Second Amendment.

Posted by Dread, who thinks the Obama hogwash speaks for its self but won't sell here, beneath the Carolina moon.

The source of the 10 points material is the National Rifle Association.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Matter Attracts Like Matter

Matter attracts like matter and genius attracts genius. I am 100% behind the McCain - Palin ticket. I've read, "She is a staunch opponent of abortion rights, and a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. Her youngest child is a boy named Trig who was born in April and has Down Syndrome. The parents were aware of the diagnosis when Palin was four months pregnant, but they decided to have the child anyway."

This woman's nickname is barracuda, and I think she and John McCain are going to eat the Obamalamadingdong Bidenshmiden bunch alive. Then maybe we can begin to get the mess this country is in straightened out. And that's the way I see it, on the last weekend of the summer clothing season, and just before the last summer hurrah (September) here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who is preparing to savor the last month of this year's decent weather.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sugar Sand, Rest, Home Again

This is the whitest sand I have ever seen. I absolutely had to wear sunglasses or I could not stand to open my eyes. It was actually painfully bright! I took this pic in front of the Sandestin Hilton where I was earlier this week in north western Florida. It was nice. I needed it. I'm glad to be back in my own bed.

All in all, it was a really good trip. There were mostly sunny skies, the food was fantastic, and the hotel and service was top drawer all the way. The beds were too soft. That was my only real complaint. An over soft bed means I wake up with a back ache in the middle of the night, and have to stretch the kinks out of my spine before I can stand straight enough to drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

This Hilton is located within a gated community, which was beautiful and manicured to the nines. Breakfast, with tip, was $20 per person, which is just a bit out of the price range I'm accustom to paying. But, it was all good.

Everything completely fell apart at work while I was gone, but isn't that just keeping a great American tradition? I'll get over it, eventually. I always do. And, life goes on. The get away for a few days was good, and restful, but I'll get over that too. I always do. And, life goes on, here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who could have knocked off early today, but just hung out with the staff, because it just seemed like the right thing to do after the tough week they've had.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Room WIth A View

This is the view from the patio of my room. After a bit of wandering around, but not too much, I made it to the gulf coast. More later. I'm going to enjoy this!

Posted by Dread, who's enjoying a day at the coast.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I Need A Small Vacation

I'm taking off for a short vacation. Not that anyone would notice anyway, since this summer I have only posted here about once a week, but maybe I'll have an experience to share when I get back. I've had very few uneventful vacations in my life. Come to think of it, I've actually had very few vacations the last few years.

Oh! About that picture up there? Not that I plan to start a nuclear war or anything while I'm on vacation, but I did think that I should leave you with a thought to mull over while I'm away from the keyboard. So, here it is.

To date, there have been only two nuclear bombs dropped on human populated areas, both with the full intent of wreaking death and destruction on an unprecedented scale. What you need to think about is, BOTH nuclear bombs were ordered up by a DEMOCRAT.

Don't get me wrong. Harry Truman was one of my favorite Presidents. I'm just saying... yah know? It's food for thought.

See you next week. Behave yourselves. I've gone looking for a hammock.
Posted by Dread who's gone meandering through the south to find his way to the gulf coast.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Does Your Heart Go Flippity Flop?

No! That isn't moi in the picture above. Now get over it and read on.

Jimmy Buffet made a fortune singing about an accident involving a pair. Podiatrist have made fortunes from the resulting injuries of people who wear them, and political fortunes have been lost to the ages as a result of them. I’m talking about the cheap, who invented this crap anyway, the noise drives me crazy, plasticized and rubberized, and always villainized (by me at least), noisy, nasty, so called footwear, flip flops.

In the fashion arena, flip flops are at the top of the heap of what I call the garbagewear category. It doesn’t matter how many spangles, dangles, flowers or sparkles you put on them, they’re still trash fashion. You can’t even buy socks for a dollar a pair, what do you expect for a $1 pair of shoes? Although I’ve seen $10 and up flip flops, that just proves that P.T. Barnum was right. There’s a sucker born every minute.

I thought I had finally connected with a solution to this fashion flop fest of foot failure. A group from a local church that I've started attending in planning a mission trip, had asked for flip flop donations, to help villagers in their Caribbean destination who have no shoes. That seemed like a very good thing to me, so off I go to buy up all the flip flops I can find and or afford. My reasoning is that by buying them up here, and sending them there, not only will disadvantaged people be helped, but also it will be that many pairs off the streets of the Carolinas, and that many more pairs that the sound of I will never have to listen to going kaah-puck, kaah-puck, kaah-puck, kaah-puck. Ingenious huh?

I was proud as a peacock that I was helping someone out over there, while ridding the streets here of the annoying, flip flopping, kaah-pucking, noise. Then it was pointed out to me that the flip flop manufacturers would probably think the demand had gone up and make even more of them to put on the store shelves here. The more I buy, to send overseas, the more they make! AGGGGGH! Is there no justice in this world?

Please people, can’t we just buy and send the disadvantaged those annoying Nike swoosh shoes and quit buying flip flops altogether? With the demand gone, the manufacturers will quit making flip flops and there will be a huge decrease in summer noise pollution. Perhaps even medical insurance premiums would also go down. Personally, I’m in favor of adding, “Do you ever wear flip flops?” to the medical questionnaire right between “Have you ever had a heart attack or have a history of heart related problems?”, and “Do you frequently drink heavily and drive?” Then charge those people humongous premiums and lower the rates for the rest of us who wear sensible shoes.

Anyway, that’s the way I see it, here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who spotted a pair of Nike flip flops today, and now is without a "rid the world of flip flops" strategy.

Friday, August 01, 2008




Wind: SW at 0 mph

Humidity: 95%

That information came from my Google weather thingy for my city at 10:23 A.M. today. Talk about freaking steamy weather! The high today is predicted to hit 94 F which is around 34.44444444444 C. Of course humididitized isn't a real word, unless I say it is. But, if you couple that humidity with that temperature, need you wonder why people in the south drink a lot of beer and have a little violent streak? Really!
We have to have some word for the influence of this weather, so I recommend humididitized.
Normally I would say that if you have a better word for it, say so. But, I really think you have to actually experience being humididitized before you have the qualifications to name it.

I plan to work outside this weekend in the yard and garden. If the weather doesn't kill me or turn me into a frog, we'll visit again next week. Neither is really at all likely, since I have survived many worse dog days than this, all here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who is dripping with sweat, standing still, in the shade.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Miss Sandy, whose blog is listed over there----> and here I Beati , listed the "Friends/Southern Friends" list in the comments of my previous post. Then, she also listed them on her blog. I thought them worth repeating here for any readers who don't read comments and didn't catch them on her blog. Thank you Sandy!

I find that the list of qualities is only slightly different here beneath the Carolina moon, but not significant enough to quibble over. Hah! There's you and odd word Miss Sandy, that you don't hear out of the current generation. I like it. Quibble. Something friends don't do, especially Southern friends. Well they my quibble, but not seriously, just mostly for fun. Here's the list with a few of my "comments":

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Always bring the food, so southern friends never have to ask for food.

FRIENDS: Will say 'hello'
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. Whether you want it or not!

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mama and Daddy; usually accompanying their first or last name, like Daddy James, or Mama Jones.

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Cry with you. And pray with you, and sometimes you cry over them, as well as pray.

FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing, and just being together. But, will also insist on helping to clear the dishes and wash up.

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you, and usually have a cousin who cashed in on it and did (with your permission of course)

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' back-ends that left you, and never leave you.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, 'I'm home!' I beg your pardon, they call out first, then come in.

FRIENDS: Will visit you in jail
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will spend the night in jail with you, if they can't raise your bond, which they probably will.

FRIENDS: Will visit you in the hospital when you're sick
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will cut your grass and clean your house then come spend the night with you in the hospital and cook for you when you come home. All without thought to repayment at all.

FRIENDS: Have you on speed dial
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Have your number memorized. That's in case we have to call for someone to get us out of jail, or take us home from the hospital.

FRIENDS: Are for a while.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Are for life. Yep. Even when you're arguing or disagreeing.

Posted by Dread who enjoys many pleasant acquaintances, but only a few true friendships.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Death, Political Traffic Cones, and Sanity

Over at the Sudden Curve, Bob Wallace, also of Uncle Bob’s Tree House, and a great American, has posted the untimely death of Norman, his pug. Drop by and leave your condolences, whatever those may be.

What are we here for if not for each other? I’ve had my fill of atheist liberals and chicken hawk conservatives. I’ve decided that there’s a political position, and should be party, called “somewhat sane”. The "somewhat sane" will pool some of their surplus resources for those who suffer misfortune. The "somewhat sane" will not feel pangs of sorrow for those who refuse to help themselves due to a sense of entitlement. The "somewhat sane" will realize that we each make choices, and choices have consequences that we each live with. The "somewhat sane" will not fight wars except in immediate self defense, and will not meddle in the affairs of others who choose to live lives of mediocrity, or simplicity, or even stupidity.

The "somewhat sane" realize that none of us have all the answers, but that a few of us have some of the answers, and will refuse to be disappointed in those who call some bad shots, and will not over glorify those who made a few correct calls. The "somewhat sane" realize that collectively we are no smarter than the dumbest idea we are willing to accept.

Since the dummocrats have a first term senator running for president by campaigning to foreign audiences, I suppose to give him foreign policy experience? And the repugnantcans have a candidate that says he would like to speak to foreign audiences once he is president, I suppose that’s what presidents do, speak to foreign audiences? Since all this has me somewhat weirded out, I will vote for the “somewhat sane” party candidate, just as soon as we have one. Are there any volunteers?

Please! Do not recommend that green party nuisance nor a libertarian. I am looking for a "somewhat sane" candidate for president. Lacking that, I’ll vote for John McCain. At least he means well. Sometimes meaning well is as sane as it gets, here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who often wonders what, or sometimes if, the average American thinks.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crepe Myrtles and Blackberries

There are just too many summer distractions for me to stay close to the web and do regular updates to a blog. Maybe once a week should be my goal. In the midst of dog days, the crepe myrtles have been blooming in their array from deep red, to purple, to lavender, to light pink and back down the spectrum to a moderate pink and an almost red hot pink. Then there are the white ones. They tend to have a different trunk structure and form a lower bush like shape. At any rate, this year, they've been a fabulous summer addition to the local landscape. I snapped a picture out the car window, in case some readers don't have crepe myrtles where they are. Some readers may not have blackberries either. My heart goes out to you.

Here, blackberries have been ripening in their usual wave of abundance. Of course there are several wild varieties of these sweet, slightly tart, morsels that grow locally where ever a strip of land is left unattended for very long. You see them along field edges, roadsides, and railroad tracks. It's hard to ride though this county for far and not spot a small or large patch of blackberries. I've yet to pick any this year, but I've been yearning for an old fashioned, deep-dish, blackberry cobbler.

A layer of pie crust, a layer of berries, a layer of sugar, a layer of butter, another layer of pie crust, another layer of berries, another layer of sugar, another layer of butter, yet another layer of pie crust, yet another layer of berries, yet another layer of sugar, yet another layer of butter, and on and on, until you top out the deep dish with a layer of pie crust painted with melted butter. Bake all that until it has bubbled a while. Good cooks will know when it is done and the top crust will brown.

Serve up a deep, hot, scoop of this now blackberry dumpling like pie, with a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream on top. A sprig of crepe myrtle blooms in a vase, as a center piece on the table, will remind everyone partaking of the cobbler and ice cream that they aren't in heaven, just close, beneath the Carolina Moon.

Posted by Dread who's gone searching for a few late ripening berries.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dog Days

My noticeable absence from blogging and the blogospere in general, has been due to: (a) having a summer cold, (b) being preoccupied with home repair, building, and gardening outdoors, (c) I couldn’t find a reason to spend summer hours, that I didn’t have to, in front of a computer. While I was away, I noticed, from my catch-up reading, that Sandy K’s home nearly burned down, thanks, to a Florida electric company that seems as antiquated as the third world company we have in this part of the Carolinas. We’ll keep Ms. Sandy in our prayers and lift an extra one for her and her pet menagerie. I’m glad she and the critters are safe.

I also noted that David over at Dark Planet was distraught with disappointment over Barak Hussein Obama’s vote in the U.S. Senate for obliterating U.S. citizen privacy and rights. There’s one thing I’ll never have to worry about. There is no way that Obamesiah will ever disappoint me. I expect nothing from him, but the worst.

This morning when I walked out on the porch to check the weather, the temperature was 77F and the humidity was 76%. This is the south. More specifically, it’s the south beneath the Carolina moon, and it’s the beginning of dog days. The heat and humidity will only get worse from here until mid to late August. Summer though is my favorite season, no matter what.

I love it hot. I love the green of the forest, the lawns, the gardens and the blossoms of the tens of thousands of plants that bloom here in our subtropical climate. It’s just that dog days are kind of rough on some people. Personally I think dog days are a signal, to slow down and savor the delights of the season.

The drought has finally broken, which is another reason I’ve neglected both blogging and the net in general. Plants are finally growing and the earth has softened enough to dig in. I’ve worked on the rock wall out front, to wall off the neighbor, and got carried away preparing a flower and plant bed. So, I have perspired sufficiently in the last two weeks to suffice for a year. I suspect that by the time I finish, I will have perspired a small pond’s worth of water; especially, if I continue to work outdoors, gardening, for the remainder of dog days. So, I’ve thrown a small pond into my landscape plan for the rear garden.

We’ve had a hard rain with a bit of thunder and a stiff breeze today, which gave me just the excuse I wanted to take a day’s break from gardening and home repair. Tomorrow, the regular grind of work resumes. Today, I’ll rest. It’s a good way to spend a dog day Sunday.

Posted by Dread, who on this dog day afternoon, is enjoying the rain, the breeze, and very soon, the nap.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

"Good Fences Make Good Neighbors", Robert Frost the poet quoted his neighbor in Mending Wall as saying, and mused even his neighbor's father before him. And so it seems is time for me to perhaps place a rock wall myself between my neighbor and me. If she can't mind her own fickle business, then I shall wall her out of mine. I've been collecting rocks and now, I've just about enough to get a fair height wall between my flower bed and her property out the front of the property.

It seems the neighbors to my right are a congenial and friendly sort. To the left there is trouble. So I'm going to attempt the ancient solution of putting a wall between us. I doubt it will work permanently. Walls never do. But, if it will work for a while, that shall suffice, and perhaps forestall an all out war between us.

If the wall doesn't work, then perhaps I shall try the David Letterman neighborhood relations method, of parking the trashiest, worst, grunge, junky pickup truck I can find, and make even worse, in front of my house. As long as it passes safety standards, and is insured and operable, there's not a thing anyone can do about it being in my driveway, except gripe and get their bowels in an uproar. Unsightly vehicles are not a violation of law nor the restrictive covenants of my neighborhood. Maybe the left neighbors will move if their right neighbor riles them so badly.

I'm open to suggestions. How do you rid yourself of a disagreeable neighbor? Meanwhile, I'm sharpening my chisels and masonry hammer edges, and have oiled the wheelbarrow wheel. This holiday weekend, I'll tackle the stones. I'm hoping that good fences will make good neighbors, here beneath the Carolina moon. I'd find it painful to trash out a perfectly good fishing truck.

Posted by Dread who despises ruckus and loves peace and quiet.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Who's Going to Kick the Top Off?

That humble structure in the picture above, that the girls are admiring and presumably photographing, is a fire ant hill. I love to kick the top off of fire ant hills and then, watch the scurrilous creatures scramble out in a panic ready to attack what is no longer there. They bite and snap at the air, grass, leaf stems and any object that gets in their way.

I hate getting bit by one of these little fatherless puppies, so when they appear on my lawn, I promptly dig them out and douse them with whatever the most potent insecticide I happen to have on hand is. Otherwise I tend to be environmentally friendly, and do as much as possible in a "green" way. But, to date, no one has proved to me that fire ants are an environmental necessity.

I believe that left to their own devices, fire ants would overrun the environment and through their mining operations, by bringing the sub terrain to the surface, eventually would, actually turn the world inside out. That could be disastrous! Do the world a favor, and kick the top off of a fire ant nest today. If you happen to kick it on someone you don't care for, like my next door neighbor... No. No. That wouldn't be the right thing to do, but try kicking the fire ant nest at least.

It's a fun job, and someone has to do it! Yesterday, I kicked the top off of a fire ant nest over at the Dark Planet, David Terrenoire's blog. David seems to be a dyed in the wool, liberal, and (I'm guessing) yellow dog Democrat. I on the other hand am a blurry mess of a moderate conservative. Yes the fence has hit me dead in the groin on many occasions, but I digress. I seem to have kicked the top off of a fire ant hill over on A Dark Planet. You can read it here A Dark Planet. After that, go have a great weekend, and do something constructive. Kick the top off of a fire ant hill. At least if you happen to be around here, beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread, who's made a living by pissing people off, since 1969!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I've Got Pictures! I've Got Pictures!

Yes. I'm still a bit miffed at my lunatic behaving neighbor. To briefly recap yesterday's post and the gist of things: My neighbor placed landscape stones on my property just outside of my front door, and in a haphazard childish attempt to form some sort of circle with them. I moved them back onto her property and she is threatening to sue me for doing so. I don't understand where her logic comes from, but maybe the pictures I feature today can contrast and reflect her mentality. I didn't use pictures that I have that actually show what is going on, because they may at some point be introduced as evidence in a court trial where I have to defend myself legally against this goofball.

The above picture shows the type of landscape stones in question, when they are applied properly. These stones in the above picture, are NOT in my neighbor's yard, but in another neighborhood.

The below picture, shows the beginnings of my neighbor's application of the stones in her garden. I think the picture says a lot about her mentality. These stones ARE in her yard.

Now please tell me how anyone can ugly up another persons property, by placing landscape materials on it, and then when the person returns the unwanted landscape materials, party one sues party two for what? Refusing an unwanted gift? Returning their neighbor's property? I know we have eccentrics here beneath the Carolina moon. Being southern, it's a duty to be eccentric, but even eccentrics have some logic. Heck! I'm eccentric, but I'm not loony! Am I?

Posted by Dread who thinks maybe he should have just sued the loony neighbor for defacing his property.

Disclaimer: All statements on this blog are opinions of events and conditions, and are placed here for entertainment value. Similarities between the events and people depicted here, and real people and events ARE INTENTIONAL!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hissy Fit Is As Polite As It Gets

It was pointed out to me that my immediate past post was perhaps a bit overboard, and being without explanation, left the reader wondering just why I think my neighbor to be a lunatic. And so, I hereby modify my assertions.

My neighbor was, is, and probably always will be, in my humble opinion, a bossy biddy lunatic. What she did, was decide to landscape a bit on her front garden and got carried away with it, encroaching, obviously intentionally, way over onto my property. When you start landscaping in front of your neighbor's front door, you have to know you are trespassing. The very brass of this woman to landscape in front of my front door, without permission was bad enough, but her idea of landscaping is to put it mildly, dismal and putrid.

If you are familiar with those giant dyed concrete fake stones that are available from Home Depot, Lowes, and gardening centers, and then think rust red. Yeah, ugleeeeee! She had these things put in place, in a manner that wasn't plumb, square, or level. So, they were unsightly, tacky, and totally unwelcome. Her garden was, and still is, unsightly from the unevenly skewed, crooked stacked, fake, rust red, concrete stones, and so was the area in front of my front door. In any event, the stones were put in place, and then she left, without returning for days.

I decided to do a little landscaping of my property, so I stacked her stones back neatly on her property and started work. When I came home from work a few days later, the neighbor had returned. She promptly stormed out of the house and threw what we southerners call a glorified hissy fit.

The crazed woman charged out her front door, accusing me of moving the stones from another area of HER property and placing them in the stack I had made. When I tried to explain that I had moved them from MY property, she promptly replied that she was going to get a lawyer, file a law suit, and settle it in court. Of course she was screaming an yelling the whole time, hence my previous banshee comment.

No matter my calm explanations, she ranted and threatened, and finally, storming back into her house, and yelled as she was slamming the door, "I've got pictures! I've got pictures!". At that point, I finally lost my temper and yelled after her, "I hope you've got pictures of me moving them, you freaking idiot!" I don't think I made a lot of sense except for the freaking idiot part, but it was just what popped into my mind at the time.

I had taken a picture of the stones in front of my doorway, so I wondered, just what pictures she thought she had. No matter. The next day, she had a worker come and move the stones to the place she had accused me of moving them from. The only problem was, the back half of the line of stones was on my property. I said nothing, and when she left, I moved them forward to the edge of the property line. I haven't heard anything else from her yet.

I've been digging up and preparing a plant bed in the area of my property vacated by the stones. I love this place. I don't really give a flying fish if the crazy lady does sue me, because my picture, and plat map, would give a judge laughing convulsions. I just hate that I have a neighbor that I can't even be friendly with.

Okay, maybe the picture of the weirdo kissing a king cobra was overboard, and calling my neighbor a crazed raving banshee b_ _ ch was impolite, and unsouthern gentlemanly. Hissy fit throwing lunatic! From me, here beneath the Carolina moon, that's as polite as I get!

Posted by Dread who is posting a sign in the front yard saying, "WANTED, new neighbor! No hissy fit throwing lunatics need apply!"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beneath A Full Carolina Moon

Yesterday and last night was a full moon, but the effects have been going for a week. It's been nuts at work and just about anywhere else I've been. Every lunatic that could be off a bit has been way, way, way, off! We are very close to the summer solstice, which occurs June 21, and having a full moon. Maybe the combination has wreaked havoc with the lunatic segment.

I chose the pic above to illustrate lunacy because I couldn't find an appropriate one. We don't have women here in the deep south that tend to kiss snakes, even the crazy ones. But, we do have some crazy ones that spew their own venom; like my next door neighbor for instance.

I won't get into it here, but just suffice to say she is nuts, and with the approaching solstice and the recent full moon's influence, she has been totally nuts and spewing venom like a spitting cobra. I wish she would kiss a cotton mouth moccasin on the lips; and vice-versa.

Now I'm being ugly. But hey; I call'em like I see'em. A lunatic by any other name is still a lunatic...a screaming lunatic no less.

Posted by Dread, who thinks "screaming lunatic" is a more polite term, although less accurate, than "crazed, raving, banshee bitch!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nature; Confusing, Amazing, Good and Bad

Sometimes nature can be bad while being good, confusing while beautiful, and always amazing. Last Friday upon leaving for work I spotted a snake skin beside the front steps. Several feet on down the front walkway lay a small king snake. It was about two and a half feet long. This is the fourth snake I've seen around the property this spring.

There were two different black snakes. I know they were different because the first one was larger than the second one. Then there was a green snake out by the back fence. Actually it was twinned in the fence links, but that's another story.

Miss N says having snakes around is bad, and that they are evil. I suppose that is so, but its also good that they are not poisonous snakes. The king snake will run off and even eat other snakes, especially the poisonous copperheads. Thankfully, I've not seen any of those, and with a king snake around, probably won't. Which is a good thing. So its a bad thing that is a good thing, I guess.

A mocking bird has taken up evening sentry duty in a tall dead tree on the vacant lot behind my back lot. It sings its heart out every evening until almost dark. It has a most remarkable vocabulary of songs from other birds. It has even learned, and frequently calls out with, the red shouldered hawk's mating call. I have a feeling that sooner or later this is going to cause some confusion in the bird world.

One afternoon in late winter, when I first saw one of the red shouldered hawks circling above the tree tops, I mistook it for a red tail hawk, which is also common here. I whistled a call several times, and a red tail flew in from an adjacent area. The two hawks didn't take kindly to each other in the same territory and a slight conflagration ensued. Both birds crashed into a ravine across the road, locked in a feather flinging froth of wings and talons. They then separated and each went their own wounded way.

I'm wondering and waiting to see what happens when that mocking bird hits on an evening when the red shouldered hawks are around. This confusion could be interesting, or amazing, or bad and, who knows, maybe good. Mocking bird calls in the evening, beneath the Carolina Moon.

Click the pic to enlarge it and find the mocking bird.

Posted by Dread, who finally steadied his hand enough to take the above "find the mocking bird pic."

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I'd Rather Eat A Live Frog

I heard yesterday that Hillary Rodham Clinton was to meet private with Barack Hussein Obama. Then today I flipped on the TV and there was Hillary C spewing off about supporting Obama all the way and squealing like a high school cheerleader, leading the charge to the goal line for Obama. The newscaster said Mz Clinton had called off her campaign and endorsed Obama. That can only mean one thing; Obama has sold out to Clinton pressure and asked Hillary to be his VP candidate.

I don't know if it was because I had read Rosanne's essay, "Frog Giggers" early this morning on the Dew on the Kudzu ezine (which I will try to get linked here soon) and it had saturated my brain along with the extra doses of caffeine it took to get me shaken awake this morning, or maybe it's just the way I think. But, when I put the two and two together that what I suspected would happen, had already been arranged in a back room, and Obama and Hillary were to be running mates, I blurted, "I'd rather eat a live frog than vote for either of them, much less BOTH OF THEM!"

And so it goes. I'd rather eat a live frog. Fortunately, I won't have to. I, like you, have a choice. I plan to vote for John McCain and whomever he takes as a VP running mate. That's not as bad as eating a live frog, and it's a far sight better than voting for the most inexperienced and whacko devious duo to ever win a presidential/vice-presidential nomination of a major political party.

Unless we all wake up, this country is going the way of the fall of Rome. Obama-Clinton: Non Gratum Anum Rodentum. The south was right to have seceded from you damncrazyyankees. I can't imagine that here beneath the Carolina moon, either of these misfits would have ever been even given a passing glance for the United States Senate. We'd rather eat a live frog!

Posted by Dread, who has began shouting out his car window at strangers, "Obama Clinton; Non gratum anum rodentum!"

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Another Weekend By The Water

The Devine Miss "N" took this pic on our foray last weekend to Lake Keowee, in the north east part of South Carolina. Looking at the emerald clear water of Lake Keowee in this pic, I am reminded that Emerald Falls is also somewhere in that vacinity. I just don't remember exactly where.
We had a lovely time relaxing and fishing off the bank. Miss N caught the most fish and the largest fish. I caught the least amount and the smallest fish. They were both the same fish. Yeah I only caught one, but it's all good. We had a really great relaxing time at the lake. This weekend, I don't know what we'll do yet. I'm sure we'll find something, here beneath the Carolina Moon.
Posted by Dread, who hopes the air conditioning holds up, because tomorrow it is supposed to be 99 degrees F.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Float Your Boat

The pic above was taken by the Divine Miss N along Shem Creek. Yes, that's just over the high bridge and an island hop. Please notice the name of the yellow boat. You just gotta love that attitude.

As we head into another weekend, this time with no particular plans and no money to particularly blow, I'll keep that yellow boat attitude in mind, and enjoy whatever opportunities and abilities I have.

It's easy to sit on the docks of the creek in awe and envy while watching the big yachts motor in and out of their slips, or come in from the sea and tie up to one of the restaurant docks for a meal. But, when you stop to think about it all and put it in perspective, just having that little yellow fishing boat on the creek and being able to take home a few fresh croaker or spot, or maybe speckled sea trout when they are running, would be sweet.

Don't get me wrong, I love being out on the open sea, and hauling up a big fish from a ledge or drop off, but those tidal creeks and backwaters that hold the secrets of the rhythms of nature, require a wealth of skill and knowledge to successfully navigate and return with a meal. There's flounder to be had, shrimp, and as with everything, in their season, oysters, blue and stone crab.

There's only one minimum requirement for a fishing boat. It floats. From there, it's what you do with it that counts. Yep, I like the attitude of that little yellow boat. It floats.

Posted by Dread, who wonders if the line needs replacing on his fishing rods.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Midnight In the Jungle Garden

A while back I dropped a comment about the new garden, and said I would get back to that later. Well, now is later, and that jungle pic above is the new garden. Not being a total idiot, I plan for it to be a semi natural/cultivated area. In other words, I'm going to leave a lot of the native plants and trees in place and clear the rubbish, planting more native plants and bringing in a few exotics. I plan walking paths, open areas, and sitting spots. I've already started clearing away some of the briars, brambles and kudzu. I don't have a formal drawn diagram as yet, nor a complete plan in my head, but have some ideas.

This is going to be a lot of work. It has already been a lot of work and you can't tell I've done anything yet. I figure this will be a labor of love spread out over several years. It will be like a fine wine aging, getting better with each year. Anyway, wish me luck. Any time you go up against the vine that ate the south, kudzu, you are in for a battle. That stuff grows a foot a day on poor soil with no water. On good soil with warmth and water it can grow three feet overnight. For you metric types, that's about a meter.

The ivy I plan to keep, since it is fairly easy to keep tamed and contained. There seems to be a strong colony of grey squirrels here also. As long as they leave the house alone, they will be welcomed, along with their half sized, striped cousins ,the ground squirrels.

Birds seem to love to visit and keep a songfest going from just before sun up until the last ray slips below the tree line. It's really a beautiful place just as it is, unless you are standing in the middle of it, up to your butt in kudzu and poison oak. I hope to fix that part without ruining the beautiful parts. Wish me luck. With a little luck and God's blessing, we'll have another beautiful garden, inviting to stroll either to escape the midday sun and heat or to meander through beneath the Carolina moon.

It shall be a romance garden. Gardens must be walkable by moonlight to be a romance garden. The next question is whether to name the garden now, or wait until it has a path and at least one area to sit? So what do you think? Start naming or wait?

Posted by Dread who has learned the kudzu killer's tricks.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tying Off The Weekend

Sunday afternoon, after birthday partying and lunch, the Divine Miss N and I headed for Folly Beach. Yes, I'm still talking about the weekend past. It wasn't over yet, so I'm not finished with it here yet. We walked on the beach for a while, smiled a lot at the people and things we saw, laughed, and enjoying the air, waded in the edge of the water.

The water at Folly for some reason was much warmer than the water out on Isle of Palms. Of course, IOP is a bit north and around the other side of the Ashley River, the Charleston Peninsula, and Cooper River. It's not that far by latitude, but the Gulf Stream currents, winds, and depth of the nearby waters, any or all could have something to do with the temperature variance. Who knows? it could just be some of that southern mystery that exists beneath the Carolina moon.

After the beach we pointed GG north, had a prayer of thanks for the trip and asked to be blessed safely home, then meandered the back roads home. We drove through, goofing off all the way, without stopping for anything. By the interstate highway, it usually takes me around two hours and twenty minutes, but this trip took around four hours. We were in no hurry and enjoying the countryside views. We arrived back home, safe, totally refreshed, and relaxed.

Having to go to work on Monday could have been rotten, but we both were so relaxed and unwound by the trip that not only was Monday easy and laid back, but so was most of the rest of the week. I had a speaking engagement this morning at 9:30. Something I usually would have fretted over, made notes, revised and researched statistics for support, etc. But, I felt so laid back that I just made mental notes all week, yesterday worked up a hand out and printed out copies, then winged my talk to the group without notes. It went really well, and I had loads of questions and answers afterward, and even after leaving, some people in the parking lot were thanking me for the talk.

I think I'll keep that in mind in the future if I have to speak. Instead of getting all anal about it, I'll just relax, arrange a mental three or four points to make, and just wing it. Anyhow, life seems to work best for me that way. Just offer a prayer and wing it.

And that winds up last weekend, and this week, here beneath the Carolina moon. Now, I'm all caught up and can begin this weekend. Who knows what it will bring? I don't, but like the gulls on the beach, I'm ready to wing it.

Posted by Dread, who often has found himself existing only on the wings of a prayer.

PS. The pic above if clicked is 1024X768, perfect for wallpaper.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Spontaneity and Planning Mesh

The world is made up of "i" dotters, "t" crossers, and then people sort of like me. I fly by the seat of the pants a great deal of the time, and when I do make plans, I usually change them at the last minute. That is, if something hasn't already happened to change them for me. Usually, that's the way it goes. The best laid plans of mice and men often... But, not this past weekend.

The spontaneous road trip to the Charleston coastal area, went smooth as silk and was marked by synchrocity. Of course I have become so accustomed to rolling with the punches, that it's hard for me to distinguish between when something goes according to plan, and when it goes off plan but isn't any trouble. When it goes off plan, or plays off plan, and is a bonus, I call it synchrocity. This weekend was a synchronous bonus!

As it turns out, Baby Davis' Dad had planned a surprise birthday party for Baby Davis' Mom for Sunday afternoon, and we were invited. What a coincidence that the Divine Miss N and I chose this weekend, just out of the blue, to pay a visit to the coast, particularly the Charleston area. There we were, with no plans that couldn't be re-juggled, so after treating ourselves to a huge breakfast bar buffet, we did a bit of shopping then, we joined the group of family and friends for lunch to wish Mrs. Davis a happy birthday.

That pic up there is Mrs. Davis having a surprise happy birthday with Baby Davis. I think Mr. Davis was busy taking more pix. He planned the whole thing, from reservations, trickery to divert his Mrs., flowers, guest list and invitations, decorations, on and on. And, then he added our spontaneous trip and presence to the plans. And so, spontaneity and planning meshed, and worked out wonderfully. But, I'm glad there are planners in this world. They give punch rollers, like the Divine Miss N and myself, a purpose, for being here. Or, maybe it's more like a challenge. Whatever! I'll take it as it comes; ever how you plan it.

Oh; and the day wasn't over yet! There was plenty of Sunday afternoon left, beneath the Carolina moon. More to come.

Posted by Dread, who figured it was time to stop writing for today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spontaneity Pays Off

Saturday around midday, G.G. (the car) was gassed up and aimed toward the coast. The Divine Miss N and I were all strapped in, armed with snacks, and eager optimism. We offered a prayer of thanks and asked for a safe trip.

By early afternoon the room was settled and we were dining on the upper veranda of R.B.'s at Shem Creek. Way before dark, we were strolling the beach on the Isle of Palms.

From a nearby open air club, drifted strains of oldies and not so oldies, played by a very talented band. A cool breeze blew in off the sea, balmy, with fresh scents, as we walked the beach hand in hand. For a while we sat on a park bench along the street, just off the beach, and sipped coffee, watching the passersby, as the cool of the night begin to swirl in the breeze, rustling the overhead fronds of the palmetto trees. Later we wandered through a couple of shops, then called it an early night.

It was a wonderful afternoon and evening beneath the, almost full, Carolina moon. I felt 100% full and offered another prayer of thanks. Sunday was still ahead.

Posted by Dread, who is so glad to be a spontaneous person.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Summer or Not; Here I Come!

Honeysuckle vines, Magnolia and Catalpa trees, and every Tea Rose known to man are all blooming. It's the sweet breath of a Carolina summer begining. I don't know when the official first day of summer is, but magnolia blooms are enough of a sign for me to say, it's here! I feel a trip to the coast coming on!

Boys and girls can you spell R O A D T R I P ?

I wanna feel sand between my toes, and dance on the beach, beneath the Carolina moon.

I wanna smell fresh shrimp cooking, just off the boat.

I wanna feel the balmy breeze, sent from the Bahamas wafting of tropical blooms, and palm blossoms.

I wanna taste low country food, authentic and rich, with back room kitchen, family secret, ingredients.

I want local roasted coffee that is the best in the world.

I want to stand flat footed on earth that holds over 300 years of MY heritage.

Only there between the sky and the sea, and the land, and the hills, do I feel all the bloods that course my veins.

It takes a special place for a part Native American, part Scott, part Georgia convict, and part alligator, to feel at home. On the coast, beneath the Carolina moon, barefoot among the sea oats, I feel at home. Someday, I'm going to the coast and not come back until the day after doomsday!

Posted by Dread, who's charging up the digi-cam and packing shorts. More when I return.

Official Endorsement

Today, I officially endorse John McCain for the office of President of the United States. It is a day I will proudly mark on my calendar. Privately, I have held him as my favorite since John Edwards dropped out of the race, but today I go public.

I was saddened to see John Edwards sell out to Obama, in an obvious late bid to replace Hillary as Obama's vice-president candidate. We saw this sad path when Al Gore sold out to the Clintons. What followed was anguish, depression, self-loathing; all rightly so. And, today Al Gore is only the shell of the man he once was and his apologetic life is sad. Now we'll see the talented Edwards crumble under the same mantle of corrupt misdirection. I hate it for him. The best thing he could have done was to just walk away from this election.

On the other hand, I have a strong feeling, that those of us, who lock our support behind John McCain, will have reason to continue to hold our heads high and see our efforts to strengthen this country pay off. Unlike his shell of rhetoric opponents, John McCain is a man of character, substantive experience, and purposeful action. I look forward to his serving as President of the United States of America.

Posted by Dread who has gone out to get bumper stickers and yard signs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's All Puke!

This low-life, slovenly, scumbag, character assasin, now backs, and has publicly endorsed, Barak "H." Obama. (It's not PC to actually use the middle name now you know!) Doesn't that pretty much paint a picture for you? As far as I'm concerned, this is the cherry on top. I hope all his supporters' teeth rot out, which they will because it will spread from their brain rot they already have.

This country is sick, and in need of a real cure; not more bleeding, quackery, and puke. Michael Moore backs Obama. That is puke; pure puke. They deserve each other. Where's Michael's sister Rosie? I can't believe she hasn't jumped on this band wagon for a ride. Maybe when Michael and Opra slide their butts over and make some room for her, she'll join them. Then we can invite Dr. Feel to tell us why America is falling for the most shallow marketing ploy ever imagined. CHANGE! YAY!

What are we going to do about Iraq? CHANGE! YAY!

What are we going to do about gasoline prices? CHANGE! YAY!

What are we gong to do about cost prohibitive health care? CHANGE! YAY!

What are we going to do about failing education in the US? CHANGE! YAY!

What are we going to do about the sagging economy in the US? CHANGE! YAY!

What are we going to do about the raging substance abuse epidemic in the US? CHANGE! YAY!

Obama doesn't have the audacity of hope. He simply hopes his audacity will carry him through. His all hot air and no substance strategy seems to be working though. Reality doesn't have to be dealt with, just spew more empty platitudes.


Michael! Obama! Opra! YAAAY CHANGE! Our country is saved!
This quote comes straight from Michael Moore's web site:
"I don't get to vote for President this primary season. I live in Michigan. The party leaders (both here and in D.C.) couldn't get their act together, and thus our votes will not be counted.
So, if you live in Pennsylvania, can you do me a favor? Will you please cast my vote -- and yours -- on Tuesday for Senator Barack Obama? I haven't spoken publicly 'til now as to who I would vote for, primarily for two reasons: 1) Who cares?; and 2) I (and most people I know) don't give a rat's ass whose name is on the ballot in November, as long as there's a picture of JFK and FDR riding a donkey at the top of the ballot, and the word "Democratic" next to the candidate's name."

From the web site Micheal Moore Exposed ( ) I quot the following:
"Should a person who thought that Enron was a great investment, that Ralph Nader, Wesley Clark and John Kerry would win, and that North Korea's Kim Jong was changing for the better, advise us on ANYTHING?"
Where will we bury the survivors? Will the freaking idiot half of America please WAKE UP? Our lakes and streams are polluted with your puke. Stop it now! It's not safe to even swim in the water, much less drink it! Stop it you pukes! Do you hear? I've never seen anything beneath the Carolina moon that would beat this political swill spew season!

Posted by Dread who is fed up with the political puke.