Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

O is the "O" Word

Today’s O word, some may argue is a letter and not a word. I beg to differ. Well actually I don’t beg to differ, I have decided to differ, and darn well will if I choose. Here beneath the Carolina Moon the letter O is a word. It’s my blog rule and I’m not changing it. O can be Oh or it can just be O. Oh is more like “ouch”, or “oh yeah that’s nice”. O can be a name or initial, as I mention a little later, or it can be like the big O; once again, as in “oh yeah that’s nice”.

There used to be a tire store around here named the Big O Tire Store. No, it really doesn’t make sense at all, but here beneath the Carolina moon, we have stuff like that. Rest assured, once upon a time it made perfect sense to someone in some way that is now lost to history. But that’s not the kind of O I’m writing about today.

Today I am writing about William Sydney Porter who was a draftsman by trade. That’s his picture at the top of this post. This picture was taken in 1909, the year before he died of cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, and an enlarged heart. He died at the age of forty-seven. Mr. Porter only gave one interview in his life, and I suppose for a draftsman that’s doing pretty good, to even get one media interview and your picture published. But Mr. Porter had a few secrets, a prison experience being one of them, and another life that he lived as an O.

Now some will argue that it was a letter O as an initial. But an initial has to stand for something and this O stood for nothing; it was just an O. So I say it was the word O. Mr. William Sydney Porter was none other than the famous author, O. Henry. And, where I come from, that kind of O is a word. It’s a big word. It isn’t the big O, but it’s O. It’s a big O, but not “the big O”. What’s that you say? Oh?

Mr. Porter, or O. Henry, was born in Greensboro North Carolina. Yes, beneath the Carolina moon. And, that is today’s O.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Divine Miss N is a “N” Word

On the last run through the alphabet, Miss N was the “N” word, but so what? As far as I’m concerned, she’s the best “N” word in my vocabulary. Since I couldn’t think of a better “N” word if I thought on it for a thousand years, I’m using her as my “N” word again. That’s the way it is here beneath the Carolina moon; we often repeat ourselves, especially if we find something that’s just so good it bears repeating.

I’m absolutely crazy in love with the Divine Miss N. She makes my mornings worth waking up to, my workday worth enduring, and my evenings totally divine. And that’s just three of the divinely beautiful things about her. On my next pass through the alphabet I’ll reveal a little more of the wow woman. If I told you everything about her all at once, it would overwhelm you, and besides I don’t need the competition she most assuredly would then attract.

I would have had a horrible time making it through this recent move without Miss N. But, even with all the turmoil, she has been, and continues to be, the peace that answers my prayers. The fact is that she's bashful about her picture, hence the back of head shot above. I must grant her that one eccentricity, because I am a man of many (eccentricities; not personalities. I'm not that nutty!). But around here, everyone has at least one. I live beneath the Carolina moon and am loved by the Divine Miss N. How blessed can one man be?


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Moved is a "M" Word

While there have been many things in life that have moved me emotionally, over the past two weeks I have physically moved. That is, as they say in New Zealand, I've moved house. Many of the good folks that are linked over there ----> have also moved house during the past few years. Now, I add my move to the list. I have also began to move on with the rest of my life after a particularly rough and turbulent time. Also the many blessings that have come into my life in recent months have moved me deeply. So, I have been moved three different ways.

I can't resist the pun, but nothing stands without being moved, here beneath the Carolina moon. Now hopefully I will find a little time to move on with more frequent updates to the blog.
