Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Air Force One Under Clinton Act Two

I couldn't resist. It's too hard to improve on the truth, even beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who just shakes his head.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Three Things Southern and Beautiful

Taking a cue from Clare, who writes Three Beautiful Things, (and is linked over there --->) today we have three things southern and beautiful.

First, I awoke this morning and stumbled to the kitchen to prepare coffe and soil the first dish of the day. It's customary here to leave a clean kitchen before retiring for the evening.

Secondly, I have added a mercinary link in the sidebar to Amazon, that from henceforth will feature products very much relevant to and from the south. Today an out of print, very much in demand, and hard to find southern cook book is featured. I've seen these on ebay go for $200 to $300, so the price is fantastic.

Thirdly and best of all, you read it here first. Palmetto Sweetheart, also a link over there ---->, and her hubby are now (finally!) the proud parents of another son of the south. Yes! It's a boy!

Zippity do dah!

Posted by Dread who at first lost the stork graphic for today's post, then later, much later, finally found it.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cheap Shot

Okay, the above has nothing to do with ability. But say it did. Would it be any different? Hunger for power, and for all the wrong reasons, as if a right reason could be found, is an ugly thing. But then, it is the season of witches, erh? I can just see it now; years from now, Boy Scouts telling scary stories around the campfire, an one starts in about the time a witch named Hillary tried to fool the American people into electing her Empress of the Universe.

Personally, I think she WANTS to be called MR. PRESIDENT. But to me, she'll always just be, WITCH! I promised I would keep something against Hillary on the front page of this blog, until she is no way in the race for President, and I will, whether or not its a cheap shot. I figure a cheap shot is better than no shot. After all, truth, justice, the American way of life and freedom itself is at risk.

Posted by Dread, who's glad Hillary came through Arkansas, and not from beneath the Carolina moon.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Lesson (a nice "L" word) in Not Being Southern

Johnny Lee and Bobby Ray being good little southern boys would never do this. They know that if they even thought it, their Momma's eyes in the back of her head would see their thoughts and their own little butts would be glowing red if they had any butt at all left.

What they don't know, and probably never will, is that Dad would like to take them to the corner store and buy them an ice cream for bravely and boldly stating the truth. Dad, however much admiration for bravery he has, isn't stupidly brave himself though, and is most likely to just stay away from the whole incident. There is a high probability all these thoughts will cross his mind while he is hosing off the walk, but then they will quickly fade.

For little yankee children, this is a good lesson in the unfairness of the world and how the truth isn't always supported with justice. For southern children, it just never happens; period. They know better from birth, and for the ones that don't, we have memorials.

And that's today's lesson, inversely taught perhaps, in not being southern. You don't have to be Judith Martin to teach and learn common manners, not here, beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread, who all in all has had a good week.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Rose by Just Any Other Name, Wouldn't Be Naughty

Sometime over the past two or three days, the Divine Miss N and I were watching some odd something nor other on the soon to be defunct, non-digital television, when a fast moving choppy pictured ad came on for, actually I forget, either Dollywood or Pidgeon Forge. I'm not sure there's really any difference, but that's somebody else's beef to blog about. In this flickering fandango of advertising, flashed a view of Dolly Parton herself in a flaming, red-orange, dress. "Wow! Did you see those two big ol'e, orange pumpkins?", I asked Miss N. She took the comment good humoredly, probably because with all the flickering, choppy, picture shuffling of the commercial, there just might have been a couple of big ol'e orange pumpkins. Who could say?
So, it was ironic that when browsing through a rose collection a day later, I came across this big ol'e, flaming, red-orange rose, and lo and behold, it's name is Dolly Parton. Sometime soon, I'll repost my philosophical meandering about the irony of abundance. In short, where there is abundance, there is irony. None lost here, beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who has more than his share of irony in his life, and abundance, of course. Here in the south, we are blessed.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Naughty and Defiant; Good "N" and "D" Words

The last few weeks there was a lot of controversy about a tee shirt with the above pic on the front. It was even removed from the shelves and is no longer for sale. Well the naughty and defiant side of me says, "Screw that!". Do we still have free speech in this country? Does the truth sting the powers that be? What the heck?

Last weekender the Divine Miss N and I were cruising around the Blue Ridge Parkway and some discussion of our heritage and the way this shirt was being reacted to came up. We agreed that "Homeland Security" has been an issue for Native Americans since 1492, or earlier according to which version of history you buy into. So what's wrong with people selling the shirt that states the truth? Can anyone tell me? Personally, if I could get a large graphic made of this I would hang the poster in my office and have a shirt made and a jacket and anything else I could find to plaster it on.

Why do you think there is a Western and an Eastern band of Cherokee? Because the homeland was secure? I could go on and on, and usually do, but I'll stop here so as it doesn't get nasty. For now, defiance is enough, even here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who has been very very busy lately and absent from the interweb.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Bare Truth (A "T" Word)

This was the original artwork from which this blog logo was gleaned. I came up with it some years ago and actually passed it on to a friend to use as her private avatar. For the blog, I resurrected the graphic and cleaned up, or clouded up, the actual mooning part that the Beneath is beneath.

My second thoughts are, maybe I should have left the mooning part. But then, I might have to change the blog name to Beneath the Mooning Carolina instead of... well that sort of changes the whole perspective of the blog, or would... so. Maybe just leave well enough alone?

Maybe I shouldn't have shared this. Some secrets are better left as secrets. But then, some secrets are just too good to not share. I'll get to a few of those in due time. All in due time. Everything has its season, here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who enjoys a naughty edge to life, just so long as its not pushed beyond naughty.

Naughty is that twilight between nice and nasty, where people blush, but don't as yet feel compelled to complain.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

A Red Tail Raptor

I caught this majestic bird that sometimes soars at over 3,000 feet in altitude, coming to rest on a flag pole in the middle of a cemetery. I was on my way home from work when I spotted the huge Red Tail Hawk gliding to this perch. I pulled the car into the cemetery drive, parked directly beneath the flag pole, and took a few shots. He/she kept turning his/her head (hard to tell with this species) but I finally managed to get this classic shot. A magic moment in a magic place; beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread, who has been busy and a bit distracted.