Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tying Off The Weekend

Sunday afternoon, after birthday partying and lunch, the Divine Miss N and I headed for Folly Beach. Yes, I'm still talking about the weekend past. It wasn't over yet, so I'm not finished with it here yet. We walked on the beach for a while, smiled a lot at the people and things we saw, laughed, and enjoying the air, waded in the edge of the water.

The water at Folly for some reason was much warmer than the water out on Isle of Palms. Of course, IOP is a bit north and around the other side of the Ashley River, the Charleston Peninsula, and Cooper River. It's not that far by latitude, but the Gulf Stream currents, winds, and depth of the nearby waters, any or all could have something to do with the temperature variance. Who knows? it could just be some of that southern mystery that exists beneath the Carolina moon.

After the beach we pointed GG north, had a prayer of thanks for the trip and asked to be blessed safely home, then meandered the back roads home. We drove through, goofing off all the way, without stopping for anything. By the interstate highway, it usually takes me around two hours and twenty minutes, but this trip took around four hours. We were in no hurry and enjoying the countryside views. We arrived back home, safe, totally refreshed, and relaxed.

Having to go to work on Monday could have been rotten, but we both were so relaxed and unwound by the trip that not only was Monday easy and laid back, but so was most of the rest of the week. I had a speaking engagement this morning at 9:30. Something I usually would have fretted over, made notes, revised and researched statistics for support, etc. But, I felt so laid back that I just made mental notes all week, yesterday worked up a hand out and printed out copies, then winged my talk to the group without notes. It went really well, and I had loads of questions and answers afterward, and even after leaving, some people in the parking lot were thanking me for the talk.

I think I'll keep that in mind in the future if I have to speak. Instead of getting all anal about it, I'll just relax, arrange a mental three or four points to make, and just wing it. Anyhow, life seems to work best for me that way. Just offer a prayer and wing it.

And that winds up last weekend, and this week, here beneath the Carolina moon. Now, I'm all caught up and can begin this weekend. Who knows what it will bring? I don't, but like the gulls on the beach, I'm ready to wing it.

Posted by Dread, who often has found himself existing only on the wings of a prayer.

PS. The pic above if clicked is 1024X768, perfect for wallpaper.

1 comment:

i beati said...

Those unplanned are the best!!