Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Matter Attracts Like Matter

Matter attracts like matter and genius attracts genius. I am 100% behind the McCain - Palin ticket. I've read, "She is a staunch opponent of abortion rights, and a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. Her youngest child is a boy named Trig who was born in April and has Down Syndrome. The parents were aware of the diagnosis when Palin was four months pregnant, but they decided to have the child anyway."

This woman's nickname is barracuda, and I think she and John McCain are going to eat the Obamalamadingdong Bidenshmiden bunch alive. Then maybe we can begin to get the mess this country is in straightened out. And that's the way I see it, on the last weekend of the summer clothing season, and just before the last summer hurrah (September) here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who is preparing to savor the last month of this year's decent weather.


i beati said...

I pray you are right - This media free ride has gotten yours truly sometimes not acting like a lady -haha seriously the negativity seems to back Obamination. I love the ticket. I liked her in March already

2 friends get angry if I send Obama jokes - he's such a great ? hope

Jennifer said...

I hope so as well. Obama and the Socialist States of America scare the crap out of us.

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

It kills me that our elections have become some kind of "coolness", "who fills the fad?", contests. What kind of idiots do we let vote in this country?!

p.s. Sandy, send me your Obamalama jokes! I already think of him as a clown. I temper that with the advice I always give children, "Your greatest fear is true; clowns WILL EAT YOU!"

Unknown said...

I don't think Obama ever stood a chance, and I think Palin is a great choice. And I despise all politicians.

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

I watched Palin's acceptance speech last night. This woman is brilliant! She went after Obamalamadingdong like a ...well barracuda! Politicians forget they don't govern, they serve, or supposed to. That's why politicians deserve despizing.

i beati said...

Tonight almost everyone on my blogroll is viciously attacking Mc Cain- even the young 21 yr olds. Cursing ugly things- They see Obama as a rock star. I see him as someone who voted for nothing so he wouldn't offend anyone and sounds like a preacher with no substance. David Letterman said it best by the mere fact that MCain lived in a box 5 years and served the government nearly 3 decades we should hand him the presidency - thus spoken by a military wife from a staunch military family ..I'm

i beati said...
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