Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Mistakes We All Make At Least Once

I think I can make it with a good running start...
Smart people learn from their mistakes, but the smartest people learn from other people's mistakes. Ever hear that before? Sure you have. Did it make a difference in your life? Did you begin to ask other's before you leap? Maybe just a little, every once in a while? Do you still plunge head first into what seems like a good idea at the time, only to find out that others had made that mistake before, if only you'd asked? Why is it that there are some mistakes that no matter how many times someone else has already made them, we just find it necessary to repeat the experiment in failure all over again?

I took the job for less money, but they promised to review my salary in 90 days.

A little breath freshner and my parents will never know that I'm sloshed.

I won't get caught speeding, I've never seen a cop around here.

I don't need those pads. I'm just skateboarding down the drive.

See, you can walk on ice if you're careful.

Yeah, he's bigger and stonger than me, but I still think I can take him.

I can put Blogger adsense ads on my blog, and get relevant ads placed so that I make lots of money when people click on them, but the first ad I get is an ad about "geek babes" and other assorted tasteless drivil.

Talk to me. What was your favorite common mistake?
Posted by Dread who made the mistake of putting Blogger ads on this blog.


Always a Southern Girl said...

Interesting pic.

i beati said...

my cars light enough, I can make it through that sugar sand

Oh the weeds won't grew that fast

I can wait till payday not

Jennifer said...

Are you going to the Tea party at the Beacon? DH is in Atl so he won't be able to go, but Joshua and I are thinking of attending the one in Charleston.

Unknown said...

"E" on the gas gauge means "enough to get to a gas station."

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

I haven't been to a tea party. Lately, getting home from work is an accomplishment.