Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Beauty is a "B" word

Beauty advertising has been around for a long time, promising potions, powders, and paints that will make and keep a person beautiful. Those ads and products are designed for one thing only; to make their manufacturers a profit. Those ads are about money, not beauty. It’s all a slight of hand trick. If the product does indeed help paint a picture of beauty on the purchaser, they will buy more thinking they are creating beauty. How gullible we humans are.

Last night and this morning, has been a full moon. Yes, the loonies have a head start on the day. I awoke at 4:00 AM myself. Of course I went back to sleep for almost two more hours. I’m not saying that I’m not a bit touched, and I’m not saying that I am. I’m just saying that the influence of the moon is at a peak. So, beware. At its fullness, both the influence and beauty of the moon are well known. The moon is a natural occurring beauty, and even then has evidently some negative effects. All the more cautious we should be of fake beauty.

In our society the body becomes a canvas on which to paint a picture of beauty. But that is all it is, a picture painted on, a flexible mask; like a framed picture, only a representation of real beauty. There seems to be much to do in our world about creating beauty and maintaining it. But, beauty that is only skin deep always fails. In the end it cracks, fades, washes away, or simply is gradually swept away a grain at the time by the winds of time.

The old adage that true beauty comes from within is true. Fake, thin, painted on beauty only lasts for the moment, and is truly only a mask over reality. A person’s true nature will show through at any age. True beauty created out of the love carried in one’s soul radiates to those who are receptive to it. It’s not in the least ironic that those who radiate that beauty from within that is love, are also the most receptive too it, and recognize and appreciate it, while others rush about clamoring over the latest layer of painted skin.

Of course the moon itself last night was beautiful. I noticed it as I went by to see the divine Miss N, who herself is a radiant beauty. She has that beauty that fired by love, radiates from within her soul. To find and experience such beauty and fortune right here beneath the Carolina moon is, well, beautiful; simply beautiful. God has blessed me richly to love and be loved in such a beautiful place, by such beauty, in so many beautiful ways, that I know I am a part of a greater beauty. We all are when we open ourselves to it. And, you don’t necessarily have to be beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who taking Mr. Og’s advice, greets this day with love in my heart.

1 comment:

SC GirlyGrl said...

Love you so much.


The Divine Miss N