Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Letter - An "L" Word

I've not been up to posting lately, and September 11 came and went without a mention here from me (or any other post). So, today I catch up a bit, even though I'm not back up to speed. I'm re-posting a letter that I posted somewhere on one of my, then existing, web pages, just after the atrocity of September 11, 2001.

An Open Letter to the Would Be Terroists of the World

Dear Would Be Terrorist:

Last week you struck out at the United States of America. Through some unimaginable twisted perversion of your souls, you may have deemed your actions as having struck a mighty blow of oppression and terror upon the great satan. If that is the case, then you are as badly mistaken as you are psychologically twisted and spiritually perverted.

Your actions did not oppress and did not terrorize the people of the United States of America. The senseless murder of our people and destruction of a few of our buildings only managed to draw back the veil from the true face of our great nation. And now the world sees clearly that which it could only see dimly before.

The world sees a people bound together under the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The world sees a nation where there is freedom for all, not because our leaders allow it, but because each and every individual is determined in their heart to be free, and to promote freedom for each other. It is literally impossible to ever truly oppress or terrorize such a people. And the world sees that more clearly now than ever before.

Now that the veil is lifted, the world sees that the great truths upon which our nation was founded are immortal and as vibrant today, as when our founding fathers first set them to written word. Had you studied our history, you would have seen in the very first official document of our nation, even as we were forming as a nation, that we pledged to the cause of freedom, "our lives and our fortunes, to each other."

Today pictures are televised around the world of our citizenry putting their lives on the line for each other, and giving freely of their worldly wealth, to aid and assist each other. The world does not see a greed driven satan as you postulate, but rather an unoppressed people, united for their common good, and the common good of all people.

While the smoke still rose from your cowardly deeds, our nation was committing publicly and privately to not only protecting our freedom, but also the freedom of all of the earth's inhabitants whose hearts cry out with each beat, "Live free or die free!" That is the level of our commitment to freedom. That is the face of freedom. That is the face you revealed when you lifted the veil. Your objective was not obtained, and your mission failed. Freedom lives. Freedom thrives. Freedom cries out from every American heart!

Your twisted madness lays as an open book for all sane people of the world to view. You have tried to oppress that which can not be oppressed. You have treid to terrorize those that do not recognize terror. You have set out to physically destroy that which is spiritual in nature. The futility of your purpose is self evident. The evidence of your complete insanity is only exceeded by the evidence of your spiritual perversion.

The holy trinity of failth, hope, and love is recognized by the religions of time. Faith manefests itself by that indwelling spirit, that portion of the divine that imparts life to us. Hope is the glimpse of eternal essence of divinity which is imparted to us by Jesus of Nazareth, and the wise of the ages. Love is the only manner by which we can conceptualize the grand design of the universe and it's Omnipotent Architect, and bind our own soul to wholeness.

The religions of time recognize divinity by many names. Jah, Providence, and God are but a few. But divinity has always been defined by it's essence. No, matter the language, in English, it translates to three simple words. "GOD IS LOVE." To claim that Love is manifested in acts of hate, or even in apathy, is the most complete perversion of religion imaginable to the human mind.

Would be terrorits, religious zealots that you dreamed to be, you have become that which you fear most. You have become beasts of burden to satan, slaves to evil, a mockery of divine creation. May The Omnipotent Creator have mercy on your soul. The evil that possesses you most certainly will not.

And, as you pass into that dark night, where death's angel will hold you in her cold grip, remember this fact. You neither oppressed nor terrorized me nor any other American. Your actions have strengthened our resolve to remain a free people, and have renewed our commitment to amplify the voice of freedom, so that it may be heard around the world. Our reliance on divine strength and love will bring us through this and any other tragedy.
And, now the world is listening with hungry ears for that ring of freedom's bell, looking with eager eyes upon the strength that freedom builds, and yearning with open hearts to lift up their souls and soar upon the warm breath of freedom's whisper. The light of freedom still burns brightly. "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.", will stand!


Common Citizen of and Uncommon Nation, The United States of America

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 comment:

Sandy Kessler said...

I put my flag out the 11th and decided to keep it there. I like how it looks and makes me feel as I drive up to my modest dwelling.. sk