Hillary Raghead-Clinton and the whole Clintonista Clan hanging out with the world's most renown terrorist of the time, until his death and the rise of Osama bin Laden, Yasser Arafat.
The man ordered school houses full of children bombed, rocket attacks on civilian targets such as residential apartment complexes, and the list goes on. Oh yeah, when he finally laid off taking public credit for his atrocities, he was given a Nobel Peace Prize, a totally meaningless liberal way to gift money to scurrulous celebrities who are down on thier finances.
And, Barack Hussein Obama’s record? Does he have one? Evidently if he does, he wants to change it. That's about all that comes out of his mouth is the word "change". This is some election. The Republican candidates, I haven't even started trimming on yet, but the Dummocrats are definitely out of the game for me. Soup or Tuesday? I'll take the soup!
Posted by Dread who feels better for getting this off his mind and into the blog, and is glad that soup or Tuesday is now behind us.
1 comment:
I can't atand it and have serious worries about the way people in this country think and the smart guys do finish last!!Oprah as Vice President??
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