Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spontaneity Pays Off

Saturday around midday, G.G. (the car) was gassed up and aimed toward the coast. The Divine Miss N and I were all strapped in, armed with snacks, and eager optimism. We offered a prayer of thanks and asked for a safe trip.

By early afternoon the room was settled and we were dining on the upper veranda of R.B.'s at Shem Creek. Way before dark, we were strolling the beach on the Isle of Palms.

From a nearby open air club, drifted strains of oldies and not so oldies, played by a very talented band. A cool breeze blew in off the sea, balmy, with fresh scents, as we walked the beach hand in hand. For a while we sat on a park bench along the street, just off the beach, and sipped coffee, watching the passersby, as the cool of the night begin to swirl in the breeze, rustling the overhead fronds of the palmetto trees. Later we wandered through a couple of shops, then called it an early night.

It was a wonderful afternoon and evening beneath the, almost full, Carolina moon. I felt 100% full and offered another prayer of thanks. Sunday was still ahead.

Posted by Dread, who is so glad to be a spontaneous person.

1 comment:

Sandy Kessler said...

A blessing for sure