Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Rolling on the River (double "R" words)

This is the Georgia Queen, a fake paddlewheeler at berth on River Street, just behind the city hall of Savannah, Georgia. It similarly sums up my opinion of the whole district. A run down, overpriced fake. If you want living history and a decent, not so seedy, city of historical significance, try Charleston South Carolina.

Below is a picture of Savannah's River Street, supposedly cobbled with ballast stones, just next door to the Hyatt. In fact, this picture was taken just as I stepped off the Hyatt's elevator. I rest my case. Histerical... oops I mean historical, preservation at it's worst. This is a creepy place. A city with tons of dark secrets; and some not so secret darknesses.

That whole book, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"? What a farce! If this city gave over its secrets so easily to a damnyankee stranger just blowing through town, it wouldn't have any left. He had the wool pulled over his eyes with smoke and mirrors, a song and a dance. What a shill! And what shills were they that bought into his speil! And the beat goes on. Idiots today still go there for touring, all because of that farce of a book. And what do they find? Just what they deserve. A farce of a city!

Rolling on the River... double "R's" double vision. Those who can see, from the other side of the river, know. Those who live on that side of the river, know. There's a dark side of the moon and a dark side of the river. I'm glad I live on the side I do, here beneath the Carolina Moon.

Posted by Dread, who's headed to bed, and glad to be back on the east side.
alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 comment:

Sandy Kessler said...

Take me there now - I so want to run away. 2 favorite places of mine thanks for the memory