Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Naughty and Defiant; Good "N" and "D" Words

The last few weeks there was a lot of controversy about a tee shirt with the above pic on the front. It was even removed from the shelves and is no longer for sale. Well the naughty and defiant side of me says, "Screw that!". Do we still have free speech in this country? Does the truth sting the powers that be? What the heck?

Last weekender the Divine Miss N and I were cruising around the Blue Ridge Parkway and some discussion of our heritage and the way this shirt was being reacted to came up. We agreed that "Homeland Security" has been an issue for Native Americans since 1492, or earlier according to which version of history you buy into. So what's wrong with people selling the shirt that states the truth? Can anyone tell me? Personally, if I could get a large graphic made of this I would hang the poster in my office and have a shirt made and a jacket and anything else I could find to plaster it on.

Why do you think there is a Western and an Eastern band of Cherokee? Because the homeland was secure? I could go on and on, and usually do, but I'll stop here so as it doesn't get nasty. For now, defiance is enough, even here beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread who has been very very busy lately and absent from the interweb.

alphabet justice: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1 comment:

i beati said...

we've missed you and ?I heard an entire discussion about this shirt on the news and frankly I like shirts that cause a discussion . I have one that says ."I'm Sicialian need I say More " and it always starts a row or two or six. South Carolina knocking down the pins I see every Saturday..