Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ask the Right Question

Sometimes, even hindsight isn’t clear. I’ve finally gotten around to reading the various accounts and speculations, rumored accounts, etc., surrounding the joyous demise of the rabid animal, deemed by a few journalists as human, Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi, or ever how you spell fecal remnant in Aribineese. There seems to be some speculation that the two five hundred pound bombs that left a huge crater in the earth, uprooted trees, destroyed the house, and killed everyone else in the house, may have left al-Zarqawi wounded and conscious with US troops gut beating him until he died. Sounds like some limp wrested propaganda to me. What are the odds he would be the only survivor of such horrific blasts?

If someone wants to bitch out the US for being inhumane, they might well point out that a little girl, age 5 to 7 also died in the bombing attack. I really don’t find it offensive that someone may have taken a personal vendetta against a man who sawed people’s heads off to video tape for showing off his politics and religion to the world. Some bad old troops may have gut stomped that SOB? Awe…breaks my heart! SO NOT!

I realize that war has casualties. Some of them just plain must be done, such as blowing apart the entire being of a personality like al-Zarqawi. Some casualties are “oops, wished that hadn’t happened, but its war” type casualties. Some casualties should just break your heart, no matter how or why they happened. When an innocent child dies, it should break your heart. If it doesn’t, you should examine your heart. The fact that none of the reporters seem phased that a child died in the attack on al-Zarqawi, really strikes me and stands out. They report the child’s death as though its an adjective or a number. No one has even bothered to determine the exact age of the child, just a ball-park guess is offered, as age 5 to 7. At least someone noticed the child was female. It was probably required information on a casualty reporting form used by the military.

Now, you would think that of all the howling the limp wrested media does, it would howl about an innocent child being blown apart in the hunt for the vile al-Zarqawi, but no. They whine that the poor old misunderstood terrorist may have finally and at last had the ever-loving (insert your own expletive for feces) beat out of him, and actually died knowing that it was a U S of A ass kickin’ that was doing him in. What kind of sick attitude is that? Will the question ever be asked publicly as to whether or not al-Zarqawi could have been taken out without taking the life of a child? In my mind, the two questions seem miles apart. One is the first question to pop into my mind. The other is easily answered with “who cares? I could have stomped his head in myself and never flinched.” Does that make me twisted and as bad and low as he? Maybe, but I doubt it.

al-Zarqawi chose his path. The child…? I have to ask the burning question about the child. Our media doesn’t seem motivated to in the least. They don’t even seem interested in learning who the child was or her accurate age. I hope they can answer whether or not al-Zarqawi was gut stomped by US troops as he lay dying. Never mind how many innocents have died at his hands, right? Perhaps he’ll be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize posthumously, since he has gone on to join his fellow terrorist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasser Arafat, who once ordered an Israli school house full of children bombed.

Was it really necessary to kill a five to seven year old little girl to get al-Zarqawi? I don’t have that answer. But I am enraged that our media never even pauses to ask the question. I hope someone besides me does. Can I understand and look over the rage that might have taken over troops who might have stomped al-Zarqawi? You betcha! I do remind you that stomping hasn’t been proven. If it ever is, I think you’ll have a hard time finding one single human living beneath the Carolina moon who gives an anum rodentum. I’ve spewed enough for one day. I know some reporters that should be gut stomped. I also know some five to seven year olds that should be writing news stories.

Even if you don't have the answer, and you know, sometimes there is no answer. At least ask the right question!


1 comment:

Barry said...


You left a comment on my blog saying that you were compiling a list of fellow Carolinians and asked permission to link Palmetto Pundit. Link away!! While it was quite considerate of you to ask for permission and I am honored that you asked, I can assure you it wasn't necessary.

Thanks for asking and for visiting!