Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Quick Think Around

Do you ever pause to think, "How did I get to where I am, and where the heck am I headed?" Of course you do. Then you shake it off and get busy again, without giving it a second thought. Those of us who lead unique lives don't have time to philosophize on end, but some of us do hit points in our lives that give us pause. I've been freeze framed for about a week or two now, and still haven't found a sufficient answer that will pull my feet back to the ground so I can get moving again. You can spot these pauses in a writers work if you look closely.

I asked four or five, five I think maybe, bloggers, all from the Carolinas, for permission to link their blogs here. My thinking is, bloggers from the Carolinas should all be listed in one place, and what better place than Beneath the Carolina Moon? Anywho, I've heard back from three. The fourth, David Terrenoire who writes the A Dark Planet blog hasn't responded, or didn't find my request buried in his comments of one day's or the other's post. Whatever. I had commented that David's blog posts had taken a turn away from his normal quality output. Happily with his Father's Day post, David cleared his throat and seems to be climbing back into the saddle. I'm not sure that regular employment wears well on David. It doesn't on many of us.

I spent much of my Father's Day piddling about the outdoors around my house. I polished off a whim project last night by adding three small koi to a water feature I tinkered into existence on Sunday. Sliding my two potted Japanese maples to either side of it, I also picked up two potted water lilies last night at Lowe's, and dropped them in. Now, I have more living creatures dependent on me. Just what I need! Gads! Anywho, the koi are named One, Two, and Three. For you politicos correcto bunch, you may refer to them as Uno, Dos, Trace. Since one of the Bush brothers married into the ethnic reservoir of Hispanics which spans from Spain, to the countries of South and Central America, to Puerto Rico, Cuba, South Florida, and pretty much South any part of North America, it seems that the Republican party is splitting along the lines of those who want to kick Hispanics out, and those who want to make all illegal immigrant Hispanics legal, to buy their vote for the Republican party. It's all nasty business I tell you. I hope in the end we can all get along. Time will tell.

Meanwhile visits to Palmetto Sweetheart's and SC Girly Grl's blogs points up to me the partitions we put up in our lives and how we sometimes compartmentalize, or only share from compartments. Palmetto Sweetheart is busy about activities and nest sorting. SC Girly Grl is about a personal place, in her heart, and conditions in the local political geography. Barry Ready's Palmetto Pundit continues to be pushed by his patriotism. There's nothing wrong with any of these compartments or directions of expression, its just an observation, that we are so complex that we can't communicate all of ourselves at once in one place. Quiet frankly, I'm glad. I would hate to be just simple. I would be bored. You would be bored. We would all be boring. However, we are not boring, except on occasion.

Click the links to the right and have a good read. Maybe you will get a whiff of our Southern essence. Maybe, you'll just mire deeper into the mystery of the Southern psyche. Either way, when you crawl into bed tonight, you won't be the same person that climbed out of that bed this morning. That's just the way it is beneath the Carolina moon.

Have a good day. I have other plans.


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