Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

One Opinion About Islam

Today’s post is a personal opinion. Don’t get over ripped by it. I’m sure you have some opinions I won’t like. Not that you will particularly care, but… You are free to disagree, both in the philosophy of my political ideology and my religion. I hope you can say the same.

“Islam seeks to destroy everyone but itself. And when there is no one else around, it turns upon itself. I don't understand it, but that's the rule of mechanics I see it following.” That is the statement I left today as a comment on Mike’s America. Sticking my neck out to be politically incorrect may not be so smart, particularly in a land where we have traditionally espoused freedom to practice the religion of your choice. But, I’m just going to tell you exactly what I think, no holds barred. Let the chips fall where they may. I find Islam to be a cult following of an ideology that hides behind the face of religion, using appeal through the core human emotions to promote and veil itself.

What Islam seems to do best is legitimize the murder of anyone outside of its status quo of the moment. While other religions of the world tout “live and let live”, or “live and let die”, Islam’s ideology claiming to be a religion, touts “die killing anyone different”. That has to be the strangest philosophy for evangelism ever contrived.

Nothing is ever really simple in the whole, but many things are simple at the core. For me, Islam is simple at this core spot. I’m sure I will be called a simple minded, ignoramus for this opinion. Well, while everything in life isn’t simple, everything in life isn’t complicated either. For me, this one is simple. Intolerance and hatred, no matter who, what, when, where, how, or why once injected into anything, breeds pain, destruction, and death. Pain, destruction, and death aren’t quite what any of us start out searching for in a religion are they?

That’s just an opinion from beneath the Carolina moon, and you know what they say about opinions. We have an ample supply of those here also, beneath the Carolina moon. Thankfully, most of them are damnyankees.



Jennifer said...

An interesting point to make is that I recieved a VERY interesting email WITH pictures of protestors and their banners saying "death to Britain" "death to Christinas", "Britain, your 911 is coming". I was very disturbed by this and so I emailed a very dear friend of mine who is Islamic. She wears the hijab and all. I asked if this was how Muslims felt and reiterated that I was not knowledged in their religion and wanted some information.

She has yet to return that email. Others have been answered but this one hasn't. I sent this months ago.

That's a sad day in time when people are like that.

BTW- I thought about you the other night. We had a BEAUTIFUL waxing crescent moon where the moon was just begining to emerge from darkness. And I absolutely loved the red full moon last month.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that red moon over Charleston just the HUGHEST thing! Now THAT IS a Carolina moon!

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- f
spaghetti alla carbonara