Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Lost Something or Someone?

I'm amazed at how quickly my mind can loose a thought. At least my mind is quick. I bet I can totally forget a thought quicker than most of my peers! Wait. That's not a good thing is it? If I start getting lost again on my way to work, (yes that's happened, but its been a few years ago) maybe one of you will get me to the doctor. Meanwhile, I'm having fun.

My skitzo-manic boss sent another smart mouth email. I semi-calmly responded. Heh, heh, heh. But, then tromped into his office... the jury may or may not be out for days on outcome... Whatever! I've filed this under the "Hey WHATEVER!" tab. Life goes on.

The one remaining peep that I haven't had a reply from on linkage for the Carolina Blogs list has delved off the edge subject wise to the point that I really don't give a anum rodentum to link the blog anyway. And, besides, he really is a transplant and not native to the Carolina habitat. I really don't need further reason to not provide the link. So I won't. I'm sure he won't miss it, and I will still enjoy reading most of his posts...I hope. I've had my say about subject matter before. Until I loose my grip, I may as well shut up on the objectionable subject of objectionable subjects.

But anywho, over at Palmetto Pundit there's news of WMD's in Iraq, and SC Girly Grl seems to be wrestling with some of the same frootloops that I do. Napoleon over at The Life and Times of Mediocrity is on about an interesting lecture, if you plan to be in the Columbia SC area in mid September.

One, Two, and Three are doing well in their new environment, but no one seems to have decoded their names as yet. I didn't think it would be that difficult, or did I? I do have one totally uncoded message for a certain group of people in one particular Carolina city, "A genius who is a freaking lunatic is STILL a FREAKING LUNATIC! Putting your assets into the hands of a genius to handle... good move! Putting your assets into the hands of a lunatic to handle... really dumb! Putting your assets into the hands of a lunatic who happens to be a genius... STILL REALLY DUMB! Maybe TREMENDOUSLY STUPID even! Do we have to fly you to the moon for you to see it?

There, I feel better having that off my chest. Oh well. Time for me to head to work. You know, somewhere deep in my psyche, I think I actually harbor a desire to get lost while driving to work. That kind of thing tends to happen here rather commonly you know. Its just not that unusual of an event here, beneath the Carolina moon.



SC GirlyGrl said...

Notepads,Coffee Cups,Big "Wide open spaces" asbestos pits,nice facades on buildings, and honors to Ms.NO Could I be a bigger witch....ahhhhh! It feels good to spend other people's money and cause them to go broke!

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

I want a resolution signed by the mayor declaring what a rotten near do well, self promoting royal ball of excrement well