Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Testing, Testing...

My religious preferences test results from yesterday, seem to point toward an interdenominational mission that, although the form and full vision for which is yet to completely unfold, has been hinted at in many ways already. So the test results are not really surprising. This is just a continuation of what has already started unfolding. And that is a serious matter upon which I don’t joke.

In a previous life was I a Quaker? I don’t even know anything about the Quakers. Wasn’t Richard Nixon a Quaker? Well I’m not a crook either! I once ate in a restaurant owned and operated by what I think were Mennonites. I’m not sure. The women wore these crocheted things on the back of their heads and long dresses. They were pretty, had good bread and good home cooked type meals. I can’t remember why I thought they were Mennonites, but at the time there was something to indicate that they probably were.

The years have clouded my memory of a lot of minor events of my life. I pulled off the interstate somewhere and ate and went on about my way. Where was I and where was I going, and with whom? I don’t remember. It must have been a semi-uneventful trip. Except for eating in a restaurant, that for some reason, I believe was operated by Mennonites and, I vaguely remember, was maybe a large yellow building, I don’t remember much else. My mind recalls, the ladies that waited the tables, good country cooked food, exceptional bread, and then my memory goes flat.

Isn’t it strange how my memory tends to discard masses of events and their details, but hold on to seemingly trivia, like pretty women and good food? I think that’s because pretty women and good food are no trivial matters. They are two of the seven flavors of life. What are the other five? I forget just now. But these two are important to a man. Right now, I haven’t had breakfast, so it’s hard for me to think much further. Without my morning bowl of oatmeal I’m without fortitude. A world without pretty women? Well, that would be a trivial place in the universe, that I wouldn’t want to even visit.

Speaking of trivia, as a point of trivia, I will point out one of those strange truths of life. All women are born pretty. It’s what happens to them afterwards that makes them plain, harsh, ugly or beautiful. It’s what happens in their hearts and to their hearts. Déjà vu! I’ve made this statement before and caught loads of criticism over it. Life just isn’t quiet that simple I’m told. Yeah I know. But it’s fun stirring things and people up and watching the debris fly around.

Today Mike, over at Mike’s America, is stirred up about multiculturalism. Since he is also moonlighting over at Palmetto Pundit while Barry is on vacation, you can drink the same water at either trough. SC Girly Grl has a crazy test. I scored 100%. Crazy I do joke about. Crazy is too serious to not joke about. Crazy is what keeps me sane, here beneath the Carolina moon. We all should be crazy tested. I expect it would explain a lot.


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