Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Synchrocity (ever how it's spelled)

We never know where a ripple once loosed on the world will end. Doug Thompson, whose blog I don't have linked here but I read regularly, recently proved the point well. He set loose a ripple over 30 years ago, that he hadn't fully realized the impact of, that came calling across his path again. These kind of things happen quiet a lot when people are in tune with their path. There are other ways to put it, but that's what I'll call it for now; "being in turne with your path".

Every act, word, or even thought, has its own resonance that reverberates through creation, spreading its influence as it moves along through the eons. Sometimes we see an effect or a ripple recross our path, but as often as not our actions can be orphans, taking on a life of their own, far away from their origins. We hold in our hands, a responsibility to the future with each word we speak, each gesture we make, or thing we do or leave undone.

I've lived long enough to see many of the ripples of my own wake recross my path, and to know that all the universe is but one great sphere. No matter which direction you travel, nor how far, and whether you realize it or not, given enough time, and the same will happen to you.

I know that's how it is here beneath the Carolina moon. And, now Doug Thompson proves that it happens in Virginia, and Illinois. I suggest that you have a read of Doug's blog post titled "Small World". Click the link and then scroll down 3/4 of the page then click the "read more" thingy at the end of the intoduction of "Small World". Then I hope you will come back and leave a comment to let me know what you think. Blue Ridge Muse/

Thanks for dropping by,



Jennifer said...

Okay, this is just HOOEY! no one cares about Zanzibar, or the letter Y, or even Synchronocity.




I'll post a picture of the Divine Miss N in a bathing suit if you do!


Anonymous said...

Ah, you've defeated the cause! If I post the albino HMS monkey now, I will apper to have succumed to a bribe. Now I have to work my brain to scheme how to best handle this.

Life used to be so simple.


sandyland said...

Are you going to the Sock Monkey Festival this summer?Great Blog Small world- Agreed on that synchronocity sp?

Jon said...

..."sock monkey"?

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

You mean there is a sock monkey festival? Another one of those serendipity synchro thingys! Neat!

Jennifer said...

Oh dear Lord, a sock monkey festival??

Looks like the Divine Miss N is non too pleased with my motivation tactics.

Such a pity...

Of course, It is nice to see that she hasn't retained much from Mr. Tucker's art class. ;)

Hopefully the pigeons of Charleston won't be able to recognize me.