Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


This wisteria seems to have escaped from someone's garden and tried to hide among the english ivy. Woops! The blooms gave it away!

I caught this in the edge of a wooded lot, next to the old city cemetary, where I took the pic months ago of the redtail hawk on the flag pole. You still are clueless as to where that is, but just suffice that it is somewhere, beneath the Carolina moon.

Posted by Dread before going to hunt lunch.

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