Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Determination, Dedication and Decided are “D” Words

Getting back to the alphabetical blog flow, today is “D” day.

Determination is closely related to persistence, tenacity, stubbornness, and resolve, but yet is different. Determination also denotes a degree of courage to see something through, despite the difficulties, inconveniences, pain, costs, or effort required. Determination is as much about mindset and refusing to even entertain the possibility of failure, as it is about a “what ever it takes” attitude.

Dedication is a positive confidence that doesn’t waiver coupled with commitment. It goes beyond commitment and becomes a superior force to be reckoned with, limited only by the magnitude of the individual. One who is motivated may be discouraged. One who is committed may be stopped with force. But one who has decided, determined, and dedicated, although they may die in the act of intent, will see it through.

Determination then is usually preceded by decision. What have you decided? To what are you dedicated? From whence comes your determination? Do you suppose our paths my someday cross, or someday meet at a merger in the road? Or, somewhere out there, will we meet in opposing directions?

Decisions, decisions; we must make decisions. Will decision marked with dedication and determination, mark our consequence of existence? Today I will walk among men, who care little for decision, dedication, or determination. But eternity does not begin tomorrow; it continues today. And for me, for now, it all happens right here, beneath the Carolina moon. For you, wherever you are, may your decision be right, may your determination be just, and may your dedication be of full strength.

Next post, I hope to be more coherent. It is Monday and we are coming off of a full moon, so give me a break here.

Posted by Dread under the strange glow of florescent lighting, with the help of a second cup of coffee.


Anonymous said...

I need yo read this over and over because I start out determined to have surgeries then gt weak in the knees. where has my leap of faith gone?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we cling too hard to what is not ours to start with, and envision a leap; when all that is needed is to take a tiny step, and turn it over to Him who knows our needs, anticipates, and provides for us.