Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy Anger, A Double Header

I’ve decided that in the current environment of my home and work, if I’m going to be happy, I may just have to settle on happy anger or angry happiness, whichever. My world just will not cooperate with my desire to have a really enthusiastic attitude and spread happiness. Even the news media conspires to make us miserable!

So, I’ve decided if I can’t be just plain happy, and something must come along every few minutes to either break my heart or make me angry, then I’ll just be angrily happy, or happily angry; if there is a difference. What follows is an example of my follow through of happy anger.

AFP has a story that Yahoo News is running about a parenting magazine called Baby Talk. The controversy of the story is that Baby Talk featured a story on why women don’t nurse longer. It was a feature article of the magazine and the cover picture for the month was of a baby nursing. It seems that people were outraged, offended, horrified, and generally ready to declare jihad over the cover picture. I've got news for all those prudish yoyos. Babies have been nursing since Cain and Able! It is a beautiful thing! There is absolutely nothing offensive about it. Breastfeeding is not a perversion! It's the way God himself figured things work best. It's for bonding, feeding, inoculating, comforting, and a host of really needed things that God plugged into one simple process. It's poetry, it's genius, it's divinely beautiful!

Would the offended have been offended by a picture of a child eating broccoli, if the article had been on pediatric vitamins? What gives? Okay, you be the judge and weigh in. Here’s the controversial picture from the August 2006 cover of Baby Talk:

I think the picture perfectly illustrates the story, and is a perfectly beautiful picture of a perfectly natural and beautiful part of human existence. The fact that people get angry about it and are offended by it makes me angry. Babies breastfeeding are as natural and as beautiful as a patch of blooming wild flowers. Yes I believe strongly in modesty. But what’s the problem here? This is a baby breastfeeding, not a sexual flaunt of a breast!

Yah know what? I am so angered and aghast at people being angered and aghast at the Baby Talk picture, that I’m going to run a double header right here, just to make my day, and make a happy statement. You might call it my double-header, happy anger statement. Yes you might call it that. I call it beautiful. And those that don’t think so, can kiss my happy anger, right here beneath the Carolina moon!

Now isn't that just totally and naturally beautiful, just the way God made us?
So, which is better, just anger, or happy anger? I think the confusion comes from the dual role breasts play in our family cultures, but the aghast need some psychoanalysis, and maybe a lot of therapy.



SC GirlyGrl said...

I think the Baby Talk picture is just beautiful. The way God intended it to be. Just by looking at the pic, you can sense the bonding that is taking place. Beautiful.

Now, that other pic....we both know what that means between us, and I'll just leave it there.

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

Yeah well so, it's still just totally and naturally beautiful!
