Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Interest is an "I" word

Banks (greedy bastardos) are very interested in interest. But today I'm not writing about that kind of interest. I find the term “a person of interest” to be a phrase of interest. A lot of people are interesting, outside of crime solving circles and circumstances. Today I’ve added two blogs of interest to my links list. They interest me, and if they interest you that’s swell. If not, then don’t fret over it. I’ll use the links as easy to follow access for myself. They won’t be wasted.

I read all of the “Blogs of Note” listed on the Blogger home page, and found that none of them were, but one. I have linked it over there -> and it’s called Three Beautiful Things. I’ve linked it because I liked it and probably will eventually read it all and follow it. It will remind you of haiku, but different, and maybe some books you’ve read.

It’s not by a Carolina blogger, but one from Turnbridge Wells, Kent, United Kingdom. I agree with Blogger, Three Beautiful Things is a blog of note, hence I have added it to the links. You’re gonna love this girl’s attitude. Three Beautiful Things is more than an attitude, its a philosophy if you will. I highly recomend the blog and the practice.

Also another blog I’ve followed for a few weeks and find amusing, The Sudden Curve, has been added to the links. It’s maintained by, or rather sporadicly maintained by, a crew consisting mainly of Bob Wallace and Tom Novak. It’s odd, quriky, and unapologeticly gets in your face at times; most of the time actually. And, no matter who you are or how well behaved, it does you good to have someone in your face every once in a while; to just wake you up and remind you of where you stand, what you like and don’t, and who you are.

Well, I don’t think The Sudden Curve actually does all that, but it’s kinda fun. If you can be told that gun control should be hitting what you aim at, and that good diversity is owning multiple types of handguns; then in the next thought, laugh at the Rainbow hippies putting a batallion of over armed police to rest with mere words, then you probably have a balanced mindset that can tolerate The Sudden Curve. But then, the blog does warn right in the title splash, “unsafe at any speed”. So, enter at your own risk.

Posted by Dread who has missed multiple doses of various medications in the past 48 hours, but is sleeping more and better, and feeling much better; and thinks you should balance medical advice with your own research and common sense.

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