Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Ultimate is the Ultimate “U” Word

Any day when you learn something really neat is an ultimate day. What I learned today made me feel like I had totally missed something for the past four decades that there is no way that I should have missed. I have truly been out of it! I must be the ultimate cultural disconnect. How could I have missed ultimate? If that sentence didn’t make sense to you then you may join me on the sidelines and learn the rules of ultimate (hint: it’s a sport).

I just know I would have loved this sport! I still will be interested in playing if there are teams or groups playing within a decade or two of my age range. Unlike most American sports, especially ones founded in this country, this one does not involve a ball of any kind. It’s actually a Frisbee or Discraft game…discs made by Discraft are more commonly used than the Frisbee which is made by Wham-O or the Daredevil Discs.

Alright enough about technical trivia of the sport. Ultimate is written up on Wikipedia very nicely. To learn all you ever wanted to know, but probably not everything you will want to know about Ultimate, click the link below.

I bet when you read that today’s word was ultimate that you didn’t expect a post about a sport named ultimate. Well when I began this post, neither did I. But that seems to be the typical ebb and flow of life here beneath the Carolina moon. We get a lot of things in life we didn't expect.

Just because we don't think up somehting, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't, particularly God who also has a special affinity with the word Ultimate. If you don't believe what I have to say about it, just ask Him. He has the Ultimate Word on the Ultimate Matter and that my friends is ultimately all that really matters. To consult His Ultimate Word, click this link below.

Posted by Dread, who owns a yellow, smiley face, Wham-O, Frisbee, and has declared today at his office to be Ultimate Monday. The first ten people to register will get preferential treatment, a free lollypop, and encouragement to pursue their ultimate blessing.


Anonymous said...

Cool idea. I like your word thing. I have a word thing too. Please say what you like on your site. That's what blogs are for, within reason of course. But your opinions are great.

Mojo said...

Love the Blog! Will come again soon!

Beneath the Carolina Moon said...

Thanks to you both!