Holland is evidently a die hard Confederate, albeit a grand embarrassment to his family once a year when he stands and refuses to sing along with the crowd at church. Oh, ye heathen heretic! Me thinks someone needs to get a life, and it is EYE… AYE… I! Poor Mr. Holland. My brother, seven in ten Baptist men don’t sing in church anyway. They just move their mouths. But now there is Presbyterian precedent that may get you in trouble… Let’s just move along, shall we?
Speaking of getting a life, I visited my parents today who are getting up in years now. Dad wanted to show me his satellite dish network thingy. I don’t do TV stuff. I see those TV gadgets show talking pictures, when I walk through a room where someone is playing with one, but I never play with the gadgets myself. So, I settled into a chair for instruction. He turned the gadgets on then started flipping through the channels, pausing on each one to read to me out loud the name of the channel that appeared in large, close caption style at the top of the screen, as if I couldn’t read it. Of course he thinks I can’t read, because I stopped listening to him when I was around 5 years old, and he thinks I haven’t learned anything since because of it. But I digress, and he did continue.
Each time he changed the channel he would read the channel name and comment thusly, “This is the Weather Channel, it has weather”…(channel flip)… “This is a movie channel, it has movies”… (channel flip)… “This is Fox News Channel, it has news”… (channel flip)… “This is a channel that I don’t get”… (static and snow)… (channel flip)… “This is ESPN, it has sports”… (channel flip)… (static and snow again)… “This is another channel I don’t get”… (channel flip)… “This is the Home and Garden channel it has home and garden stuff”… You get the picture?
Anywho, I decided to just let him go, and see how long he would narrate the channels. He has hundreds of channels on that satellite gadget. Well, over two hundred plus channels later, he won and I cried uncle….or well, I think I said something a bit hostile maybe …like suddenly screaming at him, “GOOD GRIEF MAN, YOU NEED TO GET A LIFE! Actually I wanted to scream that at him, but taking his advanced years into consideration, I merely told him I had to use the bathroom and wandered off. I figure if I haven’t listened to him for all these years, there’s no fairness in forcing him to listen to me. You just gotta love fair play, when you can actually pull it out of your back pack, dust it off and put it to use!
Over the weekend, I stumbled over a blog of sorts whose main editors/contributors seem to be Bob Wallace and Tom Novak. Wallace, who has the political correctness of a Scotsman serving on a US House budget committee full of Democrats, has a streak of mean humor that somehow doesn’t take itself too seriously. Novak seems to take his self and life much more seriously than I’m sure he or his life, were ever meant to be taken by our Creator. But, he is, at the least, a tenacious southern sympathizer. The man truly believes that the South was right, and implies that the legacy of Lincoln is to the US what Hitler’s legacy would have been to Europe.
My own political leanings, while tolerant, are not bleeding heart nor limp wristed. So, while I mix and muddle with Wallace and Novak, I probably wouldn’t vote for them for high public office. A committee, board, or council; yeah I would like to see either of them serve there just to be an antagonist, if not a promoter of truth, real justice, and the fundamental, founding principle, American way….but not the limpwristed, Beltway, New York, Hollywood, Amirakan way. Their blog is fairly vast, and I spent probably several hours spread over the weekend, and again today, reading through the majority of it.
So, I became somewhat drenched in conservatism and nearly instinctively slapped leather when my Dad commented out of the blue today, “We’ll never have a decent government as long as politics are on that thing!”, as he pointed to the TV. “WHAAAT?”, I asked. “As long as politics are on TV we will never have a good government in this country”, He elaborated. “What do you mean?”, I asked. “Why they lied something awful about poor old John Kerry in that last election”, he lamented. (Once again the dreaded and sinister THEY had done in another innocent Herman Munster look-a-like.) I felt it a good time to observe a moment of silence, and did so, straining mightily to suppress a expletive splashed barrage of some sort of guttural utterances. I am proud of my self restraint.
I will from time to time, maybe, share a link or two to the strange blogland I found. Suffice to say though, that I am not the only person on the planet that has found that James Carville, looks, sounds, thinks, and smells very much like Gollum.
Coincidence? Me thinks not! There’s evil afoot no doubt. But, at the end of the day, I still can’t say that I’d rather be someplace else, besides right here, beneath the Carolina moon, where the reasons for Independence Day are respected every day.
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