Breath our scents, walk our landscape, hear our melodic dialects, delight in our savory morsels, touch each rich texture, and the southern essence remains a mystery. The ethereal south, unfathomable to the five senses, lives in the heart. If you believe in magic, and can survive the devastating passions of an open heart, just possibly, you stand a chance of living a moment as a southerner. Most people aren't brave enough to be southerners, even the ones that are.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday Fiesta Uno

It’s the end of the work week, the anesthesia has worn off, and time I caught up with a bit of bloggin’ about the Carolina blogs. Funniest blog of the week (probably month or year) is Bless Your Heart. You HAVE to read Shannon’s July 2nd post entitled “Hole-y Hole-y Hole-y”! You especially better read it BEFORE you decide to have chuldrun. Yes I know how to spell children, but we’re talking bout chuldrun… you know… what Southerners have instead of children? Anyway, click here and scroll to Hole-y Hole-y Hole-y.

After you’ve ROFLYAO, surf on over to Mike’s America, where Mike has posted a cornucopia of patriotic Americanism that you won’t want to miss, even if the 4th has past. There are some jewels for links to great patriotic music and more. One small item that stood out to me was the excerpt from President GWB’s speech at Fort Bragg North Carolina… “They were the first coalition forces to arrive on the scene after the bombing of Zarqawi's safe house. They administered compassionate medical care to a man who showed no compassion to his victims. And when this brutal terrorist took his final breath, one of the last things he saw was the face of an American soldier from Fort Bragg, North Carolina.


Palmetto Pundit , Barry is back from vacation and with a couple of posts under his belt, has also managed to touch on Islam; “Islamophobia” to be exact, and misguided Americans who fake fast, or fake fasting I should say. If Islamakazie sympathizers starve themselves, do I care?

Palmetto Sweetheart had a secret, for a day, then told it, but it was, is, wow, neato! Check it out!

It seems several of us took the opportunity to at least verbally close the aperture on Islam this past week. SC Girly Grl threw a well placed pitch, followed by a nice piece on Men of Valor. They’re worth the read. As odd as it may seem, I fully understand her cryptic Left Hand Right Hand post. Perhaps down the road of time… well, all things in due course. To everything there is a season.

Napoleon over at Life and times of Mediocrity sent up a flare to signal he is alive, in the form of a couple of posts. One is a subject that needs more than state wide promulgation. Everybody in either Carolina needs to realize what is about to happen, besides football season in a couple of months. Sadly, it's politics as usual in the Palmetto State.

From time to time when I can think of it, I’ll place a quote here relevant to, oh whatever. You can figure this one out fairly easily. It’s from Bob Wallace who writes various things about various stuff; some of which I like.

“I used to get lots of people writing me emails about how peiple stuck in the 7th century were going to conquer us…no, I don’t think so.”

Dittos Bob! Especially, never here, beneath the Carolina moon!


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